Your Vices (38)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-01 23:54 ID:rD4QhHUl

What are your vices? Smoke a lot? Fap too much? I'm curious to see if I'm a completely retarded weirdo. My few vices are below.

I don't drink often. Maybe only once every three months. So my policy is, when I DO

drink, I might as well do it properly and drink a lot. What's more, my only reason

to drink is to get drunk or at least slightly tipsy - I frankly don't like the taste

of most alcoholic drinks - so I don't bother with wine or beer. I go straight to

vodka or something equally hard and I down it pure, unflavoured, in shots, with a

small chaser of water every two shots to make it bearable... the quickest, least

offensive way to get drunk that I have access to. I know people think that's

immature, but whatever. I also drink purely for myself - I don't give in to social

pressure at all, I get drunk only because I feel like getting drunk. My policy may

change in future if my tolerance rises (at the moment it is low so there's not much

risk of addiction for me) or if I learn to actually like the taste of the stuff.

Also, I usually drink in the evening, before I go to sleep. That way I can at least

sleep it of easily.

I've never smoked and don't want to. Not so much because of the health risks

(although yes, partly because of that) but largely because I don't have any money

and don't like the smell (whenever I smoke it passively it seems to give me a slight

headache). So that's all good.

I never drink coffee, since I already don't seem to sleep much and don't like the


Other Drugs
None noted. Seriously.

Major vice. I do spend a lot of time on my computer. My main haunts are 4chan,

12chan, 420chan, iiChan and koChan. I also play Counter-Strike Source, Uplink,

RollerCoaster Tycoon 2, SimCity 3000, The Sims 2 and Rise of Nations Gold. All

addictive stuff for me. And then there's all the other stuff...
What's more, I have a hoarder temperament; I just save anything that piques my

interest, so I have rather bloated folders. I should really do a full backup/cleanup

one day.

Yup, a lot of that. I get all my smut for free off the internet. I'm bisexual, so

yaoi, yuri, straight, some mild shota or loli ... s'all good. I actually look at

more drawn shit than real pornography though, oddly enough. I suppose it feels more

'respectable' because I can claim it's art... my subcategory 'stuff I like's are

mild furries, nekos of both genders, the traditional uke and seme pairing (it works

well) and crossdressing (but only of the young/cute/Bridget-style variety, never the

'queen' variety).

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-02 00:10 ID:HG/tge6k

Mine would have to be smoking, I am out of control in everything I do but smoking has to be the worst.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-02 07:41 ID:yIiLjyks

I probably wouldn't have acne if I didn't masturbate. :(

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-02 07:49 ID:HG/tge6k

>>3 I read from some random source that I cannot remember that masturbation was good for the skin. So, maybe it will turn out to cure your acne!

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-02 08:13 ID:hLaHweCv

I'm not 3 but it definitely has not stopped/helped my past acne

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-02 16:58 ID:kGbAVbVu

I don't smoke or drink at all. I live on the internet. My wanking habits are something I am purposely controlling now, and part of this is keeping a record. As of today, I've fapped twice in 2007. Porn... yeah, I need to spend less time on that. I collect H-shit but mainly 'use' good old-fashioned American hardcore. I seldom go outside :)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-02 20:24 ID:gp6Aay4L

>>4 Perhaps it can be good for the skin, but like they say, too much of anything is bad for you. Masturbating too much makes my face oily/sweaty (on top of that, oily skin runs in my family apparently). On that note, I also probably wouldn't have acne if I washed my face before I go to sleep!

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-03 05:05 ID:eHHG78Eo

I smoke like a fucking chimney and have done since January 1966.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-03 12:29 ID:BzuKuNLm

you're old

10 Name: Oily Skin : 2007-01-03 14:43 ID:gBBNqVRD

I drink to much "Franks" it's an energy drink.. i also drink huge amonts of beer in not a drunk i just like beer :)

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-15 20:39 ID:bU6guThx

soda, anime and pissing people off that takes care of everything i ever wanted soda to drink anime ( all kinds) to keep my time well spent in oblivion and pissing people off always a good way to have fun with people you hate

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-15 21:19 ID:Heaven

I'm really lazy. Too lazy. Too lazy to even write out all my vices.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-15 21:56 ID:Heaven

I drink more than I would like
I smoke, and too much (2 packs)
I don't exercise since I started drinking this much.

That is what happens as you grow old.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-17 16:18 ID:qeADj+aF

I'm lazy.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-18 01:11 ID:7IRU1hND

I spend too much time on DQN.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-18 01:53 ID:QyBkBpHO

I smoke crack recreationally

17 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-18 20:40 ID:+fsgk/gj

I abuse my employer's dependency on my skills to the point where I'm at the office like two thirds of the time I should be by the contract. He can't fire me, because due to chronic hurry the entire office has about a thimbleful of documentation of the entire system development for the last three years, and I'm the only one who has detailed knowledge of all aspects of the system. This is something I'm not particularly proud of.

Sure, there are coworkers, but they only know a specific slice or two each; all of them are too lazy and/or reluctant to do stuff for real to pick anything more up.

The worst thing is that I don't have the balls to ask for more money even though my position and workload would dictate that I receive at least one third more. I suppose this is my passive-aggressive way of getting paid more per hour, yet the 12 hours a week on average I'm not around when I should be totally don't feel like vacation either.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-19 10:44 ID:hx4CfBkn

I'm unmotivated and unambitious - not really lazy though. I like to do work when people suggest something and I make sure to do a very good job, but I really don't have much ambition for myself. I tend to be satisfied letting others dictate things and just excelling at what I'm assigned. I'm also unenthusiastic about most things, except computers (tech), games, and sex.

I'm arguably addicted to fapping. I fap from 2 times a day to 6 times a day (rare, thankfully), averaging about 3. I've also tried all sorts of things to stop with no luck. I just don't have the willpower and I get really edgy and mean if I succeed at stopping for a couple days.

I've spent whole days on satisfying my lust. I've also collected harddrives full of porn (which I always delete on sudden inspired 'I'm going to quit' attempts that usually fail after a few days.)

Only things I can say in its favour: All the activity has kept me thin and fit in spite of a moderate lack of motivation; and for those above, it doesn't seem to make my complexion any more oily so you might be wrong about that. Of course, if you're sweating because of the activity, that might be different.

I spend too much time on my PC. When I'm not digging for pr0ns, I'm rebuilding or modding one of my already 20 times rebuilt machines, playing with linux, gaming, chatting on IRC, or looking through open source software libraries.

Occasionally, I try to break myself of my constant attachment to my PCs. The end result is reading. I've read through the entire Discworld series with only breaks to eat, drink, and sleep during a vacation. There are also about a dozen other fantasy series that can be inserted in place of Discworld and hold equally true.

I'm also a beer snob and a sort of a picky eater. Almost everything I eat is good quality, good tasting, and all natural or organic. I do most of my cooking for this, since most affordable restaraunts don't meet these criteria.

I don't tend to have a lot left over from my earnings each month to cover any new vices.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-19 16:44 ID:Qr31DueV

I sleep too much

20 Name: Lord_Thinktank!Ylcqoqsv7E : 2007-01-19 18:54 ID:tBMB0AZq

Every time I see this thread I read the title as "Your Voices..." and I think it's going to be a thread about 4-ch users all talking to each other on skype or teamspeak or something and I get all

( OvO)

But then I realise it's just the vice thread and I get all like



21 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-19 19:24 ID:Heaven

>>20 age the old skype thread if you want to so much

22 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-20 13:35 ID:Heaven

My vice is posting in shitty threads.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-20 17:40 ID:bGx4y5Gh

my vice is posting crappy comments in OK threads


24 Name: fart man : 2007-01-20 19:06 ID:7Afboq+p

u sound pretty cool

25 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-20 22:02 ID:Heaven

>I smoke crack recreationally

Crack is the only other mix that is more addictive than tobacco. Good luck.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-20 22:16 ID:bGx4y5Gh

we have something in common

27 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 02:44 ID:xUhhS3PU

Crack isn't physically addictive at all. If you have strong willpower it's entirely possible to smoke it recreationally.

28 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 13:29 ID:Heaven


lol denial

29 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-21 20:04 ID:Heaven

yeah. like crack isn't even a chemical. it's fucking a mix of whatever the dealer found, cocaine, opium, heroin, hash, meth, kat, psp, olive oil, arm&hammer etc,etc.. It's THE worst.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-05 02:23 ID:Heaven

In theory, crack is highly refined cocaine. In reality, >>29 is right. >>27 - As such, you should know your dealer is ripping you off with something that isn't all that strong. Probably a small percent crack mixed with something essentially harmless, but perhaps some other weaker narcotic. Frankly, you're probably better off for it. You should thank him.

Unrefined, Cocaine is a pretty mild drug and the world would be a much better place if noone had ever learned how to refine it.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-16 00:37 ID:Heaven

addicted to fapping, no kidding, i have a girlfriend and all but i still fap

32 Name: phoseravergrrl : 2008-05-14 03:37 ID:a6h2fxVR

I find it really hard (no pun intended) to stop what I used to do all day every day for months...smoke crack, jack off and crossdress. Could even selfsuck. Talk about things that the world is hard-pressed to find better fun to replace.

You can recover....but man was it ever orgasmically awesome.

33 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-15 14:05 ID:o9rE8Hxl

Bad breath. Or at least I think I have bad breath. Paranoid. Help please.

34 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-15 18:24 ID:uMdvlORC

Garlic sauce on ANYTHING

35 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-16 02:03 ID:cIUHWFsS

Talking to people and taking away time from actually learning shit, not that I don't, but my time is spent far more in dicking around than in manipulating Hamiltonians and stuff like that. Fuck you all. I have a differential geometry and a topology text out, not to mention quantum mechanics, and I'm looking at the monitor instead of the formulas. Fuck.

36 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-18 00:30 ID:Heaven


37 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-23 13:44 ID:S+OqbNcA


Are you a man or woman? Because if you are woman I would love to know more. :)

38 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-23 19:48 ID:5qybGPH5


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