which one??
Statistically, gaiaonline is the biggest English Speaking internet forum.
Please dont go there ;___;
Board? as in posting text, pictures or both?
The board that has the most post input per day is probably the biggest one.
I would say Myspace, because it gets a fucklot of posts per day, but that might not be a 'board' so i dont know.. gaia?
Technically, a large portion of gaia posts are spam posts made solely to earn virtual money for their little forum game. That's why it boasts such high stats.
And most of the rest of them are unintelligible slop anyhow, no matter their purpose. -_-
sorry people. what i mean is the biggest "free-internet forum" where pple can create threads and post their opinions on different topics anonymously. just like we do at 4ch
The largest English forum that's like 4-ch is, as far as I know, 4-ch. If this concept was more widely-accepted in Western society, we'd probably be posting at another, larger board (either that or 4-ch itself would be much larger).
Additionally, fart man, why do you care about finding a larger anonymous style board? You're using a name, so you clearly don't care about that.
4chan /b/ is bigger that /general/
hi heaven, how r u doing? by the way, to answer ur questions,
[why do you care about finding a larger...]
because i wanna get peoples replies quickly. (as for 4ch, it sometimes takes 3days to get one reply)
[You're using a name, so you clearly don't care about that. ]
well because i dont want to put all my personal information just to get my account(it takes time) and also, i dont want to enter my ID and pass each time i log in(it also takes time)
He is not using a name. "Heaven" is the ID that is displayed if "sage" is entered in the e-mail field, if nothing is entered the ID is calculated from the posters IP address and a random seed for each thread or board. Registering an account is not possible on 4-ch. You should read the wiki a bit, there's lots if interesting stuff about how 4-ch works there - http://4-ch.net/wiki/#PostingGuide
lots of people talking them selfs in this site!!
yeah, there really aren't any English anonymous boards. not very many anyway. for some reason, the english forum mentality generally seems to be that people who want to remain anonymous are cowards and are there to cause trouble. i think this is complete bullshit, but that's the way it's seen by most english forums.. ESPECIALLY those web 2.0 idiots (god i hate web 2.0)
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