What do you think of America? (90)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-16 00:03 ID:px+yip+i

Hello there! I am from America and am interested to hear about your opinions on my country.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-16 00:08 ID:r2h5dPyw

you know, the falcon is a magnificent creature. It can spot rodents from way up high with its great, sharp eyes. These eyes take up a lot of space in the falcons head.

So there's America for you: Great vision, small brain.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-16 01:22 ID:Heaven

Post-death is frustrating. Especially when it was a very lengthy and detailed post.

political comments: http://4-ch.net/politics/kareha.pl/1120282154/l50
("why do so many people hate Americans?")


America != USA.
Ameirca = South America + North America. two whole continents.
"The Americas" is an acceptable alternative name for the two continents, America is not an acceptable alternate name for USA. If you are so keen on abbreviating United States of America, say U S A (approximately 'yuessáye').
>>1 is not helping the general stereotype of too many USA citizens being ignorant/egocentric asshats who think others do not count. I have many intelligent friends in USA, stop making them look bad.

American climate, geography, wildlife, history, culture, cuisine = too bleeping diverse to generalize, but very interesting, obviously.

USA climate, geography, wildlife, history, culture, cusinie = diverse and interesting, though mega-corporations want to turn the culture, cuisine, etc into a one size fits all. The terribly loud miniority of fundies = bad (duh); being crusade obsessed morons. FDA = crony for the mega-corporations. Trend in the human population: kids getting babysat by corporations via TV, school cafeteria "sponsorships" etc thanks to the consumerist culture touted by the companies. It's leading to too many of them suffering from hollow egos, feeling that they need to buy as much as possible to -> too busy working too much due to needing too much cash -> their kids getting babysat by TV/Internets and being neglected -> need to buy to feel more fulfilled etc (it is delicious loop, you must eat it). It feels paradoxal that when such a huge chunk of the population is religious, far too many nevertheless feel terribly hollow. Oh, also, the fact that too many of those religious people cannot comprehend that it doesn't take a god to be moral: that it's just plain common sense, is a telling sign of their viciousness, ignorance and idiocy. It's not a good indicator when a significant number of religious people think that the fear of god/not getting into heaven is the sole reason to behave well.
Sorry for the fundie-rant, I have nothing against religious people, but I do have a lot against idiots, regardless of whether they're religious or not.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-16 04:50 ID:Heaven

>>3 The Japanese would disagree, as would anyone who isn't a dork obsessed with political correctness.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-16 05:43 ID:EDcmAKPq

"Canadian Provinces of America" has a nice sound to it.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-16 16:59 ID:Heaven

It has nothing to do with being politically correct.

7 Post deleted by moderator.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-16 18:01 ID:EDcmAKPq

Not interested.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-17 04:56 ID:bAL9Uz1C

I don't think anyone outside the U.S. really minds if we call our country America. You don't see Canada trying call themselves Canada of America, or Chile trying to call themselves Chile of America. It's simply easier to say IN AMERICA

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-17 04:59 ID:Heaven

yep, generally when people say America, they mean the US.

"American flag"

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-01-17 13:42 ID:T4cqmHqh

America = USA (correct)

United States of AMERICA
AMERICA the Beautiful
AMERICAn people

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