What do you think of America? (90)

66 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-15 22:58 ID:H/iz+3uS

hooray, more people are posting!
well of course I don't like it! do YOU like it? but by the same token, i don't like having to pay taxes. in both cases somebody is subjecting their will on me, in both cases inevitable (but at least i get something for being taxed.) you just have to live with it (and don't go all anarchist on me or i'll bust a lung laughing.)
and when people who don't know me insult me... (see dipshit comment) well, what can i say. i'm surrounded by idiots :)
seconded. very good.
i know it's annoying but we all do have to live together. and we also have to realize that the biggest kid on the block will push around the littler kids. until they grow up and beat the tar out him that is... and then i laugh the hardest. :)

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