What do you think of America? (90)

86 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-18 18:53 ID:H/iz+3uS

i was not necessarily agreeing with the opinions of the people who made that poster, i was just noting that even a feminist group (who "normally" support a woman's "right to make choices about her own body") were in this case AGAINST abortion.
i personally feel that rape is one of the worst conceivable crimes, because it has the potential to not only permanently damage a woman physically and mentally, but also to torture her continuously for 9 months, and then for the rest of her life. as my mother told me, "rape is horrible because a woman may have to carry the child of the man that hurt her so badly."
this is why, in my opinion, the punishment for rape should be death (preferably by torture) so as to discourage men from doing it in the first place, and to encourage women to come forward if they have been raped, knowing that the man that hurt them can be destroyed for his crimes.
also, it is generally going to be a mistake to hold people's beliefs against them, especially since the "zealots with double standards" usually do just that.

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