Smoking (43)

41 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-08 00:33 ID:bCDsCM05

I recently gave up smoking after smoking for about five years.

I think a lot of the people who are severely against smoking here just hate smokers cause the majority of people who beat them up (or still are beating them up)in high school smoked, and so now they associate smoking with being a complete prick. Granted that is a bit over the top but no more so than some of the anti-smoking statements here.

Smoking is bascally stupid, and inconsiderate smokers are wankers, but some people are quite over the top about it. Even though I would go to great pains to keep my smoke out of peoples faces, and would not smoke if it was not possible for me to not smoke near other people, I have had people like >>33 come up to me in the past just because they can see me smoking. Unless they give some legitimate reason (like the guy who is allergic to tobacco smoke) I would tell them to fuck off. And I have known no smoker, no matter how considerate, who would put their cigarette out for such a jerk.

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