Free Will (24)

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-19 04:33 ID:Zts7G797

I'm having a hard time making a distinction between your definition of determinism and fatalism.

I believe in responsibility, but I believe that the concept of "choice" is just an illusion. It has the appearance that you're consciously affecting things or making decisions, but really it's just the physics of the matter of universe reacting to one another. To say that you can somehow "choose" to manipulate the particles and chemicals of your brain to affect a certain outcome (i.e. to make a decision) is as ridiculous as to say you can "choose" to levitate a billiard ball from across the room in defiance of the laws of physics.

Due to the nature of quantum physics, however, I do not believe in determinism. There is no singular set outcome for every event, but it is regardless impossible to affect the outcome of any event.

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