I do not want to talk with children (17)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-02-20 08:26 ID:4UcwMi+w

However I will talk with children who act like adults. Children have not learned enough and they do not know they have not learned enough, therefore they appear unaware of their naivete. Children tend to focus upon themselves, and this too they are unaware of!
Do not alarm them, they tend to flock in packs of herds.
Children masturbate quietly so as not to warrant the attention of their parents or parental figures.
WAKE THE FUCK UP kid, I mean, I'm here walking lazily, all hunched, looking slightly back over my shoulder while dragging a large piece of white chalk across the hot asphalt making A WAVY LINE. I'm licking my palm because its dry and grabbing my dick around sexy bitches. Ima do this with or without you
Look at that little brat on the salt, she's fucking playing in puddles

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