So I guess the meaning of weeaboo means to have an obsession for asian culture.
Well I happen to be white and asian, and my heritage goes to the peoples' republic of china.
So I've been wondering, if I am obsessed with my chinese heritage does that make me a weeaboo for china?
that doesn't sound like it wouild make a whole lot of sense.
You can't be a weeaboo if you're asian.
You can sort of be a weeaboo if you're Chinese and obsssesed with Japanese culture, I think.
I've seen 'em.
Weird... I posted this on 4-ch and now it's on idlechan, does anybody care to explain?
Idlechan links to 4-ch boards from its sidebar.
...I wish they wouldn't.
Hey 6, what's the reason for you posting that image?
Weeaboo has gone on to mean a person who is obsessed with a culture that he is not in or didn't grow up in. Originally and mostly used to mean weeaboo for Japan.
Well then I guess you could say that I'm weeaboo for canada.
2channel came to spread news of Korean manipulation. But you can read all about it on so there's no need to spam.
Weeaboo was originally a nonsense word in a Perry Bible Fellowship comic.
Weeaboo was a wordfilter for wapanese in /b/ for a while, that's where it started. Wapanese is from white japanese or wannabe japanese and 4chan started using weeaboo instead of wapanese and then a few people started using weeaboo for other cultures.