What does _| ̄|○ and _| ̄|,,,, mean? (17)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-04 07:26 ID:iErzMEaM

I always see these things at the end of lines on 2ch, are they emoticons?

It doesn't really look like a face, is it a 1337 form of katakana? looks more like Hangul than any japanese I know.


2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-04 09:18 ID:S5YpC1uS

_| ̄|○ = o| ̄|_ = OTL = orz

It's not a face but a person who fell on his knees / bows down etc. o = the head. I hope you get it!

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-04 19:52 ID:iErzMEaM

Oh, I see now, thanks.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-04 20:46 ID:qmQspERV

[aa](:D)| ̄|_[/aa]

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-04 20:55 ID:XpUFQuO0


6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-09 14:38 ID:Heaven

give him some credit, it would have been win if he hadn't put the [aa] markup

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8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-10 14:39 ID:jRSupO0+

still, what does _| ̄|,,,, mean? did his head get cut off or something?

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-10 14:54 ID:Heaven

Apparently you're new to the internet, but you don't get out much either. What do you do with your time?

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11 Post deleted by moderator.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-12 11:52 ID:YcfVWKDc


_| ̄|○ = o| ̄|_ = OTL = orz
Is still lame shit.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-12 19:06 ID:Heaven

Watch as the link >>12 turns dead.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-12 20:16 ID:vlwi/zTK


_| ̄|○ = o| ̄|_ = OTL = orz
Is still lame shit.

Its the truth.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-13 11:27 ID:Heaven

_| ̄|,,,, o

The above I usually see in the context of that his head fell off and is rolling away.

16 Name: KKK : 2007-10-31 16:38 ID:kGI/eKWn

for this u get -5 internets

17 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-01 20:45 ID:eX6JRwEa

キチャッタ━━━_| ̄|○、;━━…

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