... is kinda dead, isnt it? :/
No way, we just have other things that we have to do (like porn).
Just come here every 2 or 3 days and there will be lots of new posts.
I don't know, the new posts suck so I don't post anymore, and all of the ideas for cool posts I used back in the day. 4-ch has a different crowd now, anyway.
>the new posts suck so I don't post anymore,
>4-ch has a different crowd now, anyway.
Sad but true?
Perhaps we could get some more interesting threads going if more people would put a greater interest in this site, also idlechan needs to stop linking to this place.
I'm not exactly sure how we would go about gaining more members, we need to do something that really sets us apart from other textboards.
No. The 4chan textboard section is not that much active either. But here I look at a handfull of new threads and post in a days period. :/
Kinda true. And that sucks. To be honest, I like text-only message boards more than image boards. We definitely need more people, but hopefully, not the /b/ crowd. Hey don't get me wrong, I love /b/ (or USED to)...but I like a little variety. On /b/, I'll be the worst kind of monster. But on 4-ch, I'll be the stranger you make small talk to while being stuck on an elevator.
I like text-only as much as image boards. We definitely do need more people that don't act like retards outside of /dqn/, and hopefully they'll provide lots of win for DQN. I came from /b/, but variety is really good. And it's not funny unless it's clever. Random spam for the sake of spam never was funny.
>>the new posts suck so I don't post anymore,
applies a lot to me. Shame on me.. orz
I shouldn't be taking the coward's way out. I should stay and fight for the quality of the beloved 4-ch.
>>the new posts suck so I don't post anymore,
same here.
also I don't post because of shallow/inexperienced people like >>9
I'm not so much bothered my lack of activity as I am by the fact that whenever I check 4ch most of the new posts are blatant trolls... I guess the negative effects of 4chan's popularity are making their way over here now, since anything at all related/similar must also be getting more known. Especially with sites like Wikichan around.
I just dont like the stupid minority that wreck it for us all. Trolling some stupidly large amount of text because they have nothing witty to input into the conversation
Yeah, I should have posted something a bit more clever that rightfully represents my......
....sorry. This is exactly the problem I have with 4-ch. It's gotten so lame that I hardly even bother thinking about my responses anymore.
i've kind of stop coming here very often because most of the threads are terrible. all of them give me a vibe of "12 year old kid meets his first internet forum and posts shitty threads asking retarded questions nonstop."
"i masturbate, is this wrong???? what do you think????"
"what is it with japanese and school girls??????"
"the japanese phones... they are better than us.. why????"
honestly get the fuck out
the most recent thread i've laughed at here is the dinner thread, and even then i thought "wow something that's remotely funny."
that's really sad
also i think most of the good posters stick to DQN now
It's the only board that updates fast enough. ;_;
If you want to have serious discussions, go outside and have a discussion. Don't look for such things online. Case in point: THE INTERNET IS SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS!
The Internet is serious business, I wish assholes like you would fucking understand that, just because it's digital that doesn't make it some unimportant nonsense.
Assholes who think the internet is serious business are just as bad as assholes like >>21.
I mean, shit. If you treat the internet seriously (at least in this context), you fail. Especially somewhere like this, which is totally anonymous, and therefore has no relevance to anything except itself.
Of course, that's not to say you shouldn't use it to talk about things that are serious business. Just don't act like the discussion itself is serious, you see?
Hard work, years and years of hard work.
The internet, excluding the web and all of that "hipster" junk.
The Internet is very serious.
you're taking this discussion much too seriously to say that discussions on the internet shouldn't be taken seriously.
24 is right... this is bullshit