Yes, Sir.
I had chocolatey cereals and a lot of coffee, SIR!
Sir, I had honey-flavoured cereal and a glass of orange juice, at around 13:00, sir.
Sir, I drank my master's urine, SIR!
Sir. I stole a cut of meat from a dog; SIR!
Sir, I had cold gruel and dirty water, SIR!
I had leftover chicken marsala microwaved for one minute and thirty seconds
Sir, I didn't have any breakfast this morning, SIR! I ate a lot for dinner to make up for it, SIR!
Sir! I had a steak fajita burrito, SIR!
Sir. I ate the lint from the dryer filter; SIR!
Sir. I skipped breakfast and went straight to lunch; it was cauliflower, SIR!
Sir, he pays him a gold coin so that he may cross the bridge safely, sir!
Sir, he rolls a D20 for initiative, sir!
Sir, he promptly ignores the offending post, sir!
Sir, he brings his sage to bear, sir!
Sir, he evacuates all women and children from the surrounding area, sir!