(post your relationship problems here - would've added to the existing thread, but they maxed out the posts)
ohh god some girls are so hopscotch and jumprope in hawaii on sunny days with short dresses white socks and pink ribbons sugar coke ice cream flexible straws tomboy attitude shiny knees and occasional hip shakes that its like... i need a miracle to help me this time.
This board isn't /love/. Nor this board /personal/.
You seem to need both.
Get some mod to delete this thread, as there already is a Singles Rant thread in /love/: http://4-ch.net/love/kareha.pl/1157881574/ Singles Rant Thread 2
http://4-ch.net/love/kareha.pl/1140569798/ Couples Tread: "Singles aren't the only ones with problems. Or just gloat about how great your sweetie is."
I luv loli.