My father told me it was a bitch to learn.
Not true at all, I mastered a symbol in less then 10 seconds.
Haven't started yet, I'm still making myself some flash cards, I hope to master at least a 100 by the end of the year.
try 淫, 猥, 々
try 響、鬱、瀟
i dont know any your doing better than me
You can start by subscribing to Japanese language podcasts, also I recommend Pimsluer Language program.
I'll try that. My brother learnt it through high school and is now doing it at uni. He's so good at it, I only hope I have some of his talent.
I'm learning german now but I'd love to visit japan. My brother is going to go teach english there for a few years so he could be my translater when i visit.
My only worry is that it's so different to english. I mean german is hard as with all it's grammer, but i can't imagine learning another alphabet.
--Is english hard to learn as a second language???