Destroy the World (7)

1 Name: nWam : 2007-06-04 18:06 ID:oBNp1Rdv

Give me your money. Add me on myspace. Do it or Cosby and I will destroy the world.

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2 Name: nWam : 2007-06-04 18:07 ID:oBNp1Rdv

For the record that was supposed to be a scale from Super Mario Bros. and totally not a cheap attempt at an ASCII Cosby.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-04 18:24 ID:y/WTwbhx

this is one of the lamest attempts to make a million dollars i've ever seen. you don't even deserve the 67 cents you've got now, you stupid cunt.

4 Post deleted by moderator.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-04 22:42 ID:+f7Q0Riv


6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-04 22:50 ID:coXYvj/1

STFU twit.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-10 23:46 ID:14k4M8g5

>>1 No.

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