1 Name: Mega Orc : 2007-06-05 06:17 ID:1/aC1Ize

alrgiht i have a question...yua aidas measurments are 88cm 57cm and 87cm...what cup size or w/e those this make her? like a 35c?

6 Name: Mega Orc : 2007-06-07 01:20 ID:fMXhUJkh

lol shut the fuck up you fob if you dont even understand grade school grammar dont try to act all funny and what not

7 Name: Mega Orc : 2007-06-07 01:20 ID:fMXhUJkh

lol shut the fuck up you fob if you dont even understand grade school grammar dont try to act all funny and what not

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-07 04:46 ID:Heaven

Irony in action.

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