i'm new to 4-channel ^^ (15)

1 Name: roobes : 2007-06-07 17:51 ID:NBGjIfoM

roobes です i'm college student who loves japanese. 日本語が好きです!am also going to go to japan soon! ^^
found out about this site through train man funnily enough...
just wanted to say hi ^^

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-07 22:08 ID:Heaven

Sorry, we don't accept retarded sacks of shit

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-08 01:13 ID:Heaven

Why does this site keep getting people like this?
Unfunny trolls or true weeaboos....

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-08 08:16 ID:Heaven

said it all.

Drop the wapanese if you're not a troll and want to be welcomed.

5 Name: roobes : 2007-06-09 10:29 ID:NBGjIfoM

what the FUCK? is it not ok to have an interest in japanese on this site or something? i looked around this site before annoucing my presence knew there were some idiots on this site, but introduced myself anyway hoping there would be some nice people here....obviously not

i guess you're all just a bunch of FUCKING BASTARDS...try being nice to people for a change...

6 Name: bastig : 2007-06-09 12:32 ID:qkXsWwVx

bastig????????????????rofl im retarded rofl???????????? i laff rofl japanese lololol??????????????? am going to tard school lmao lmao lmao rofl lol lmao ???????????????????????????
rofl lmao found out about this site through train man funnily enough...????????????????????????? lmao rofl lmao
just wanted to say hi???????????????ß lmao rofl rofl

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 13:49 ID:Heaven

Lurk some more around the board and maybe you'll understand why all this stuff gets annoying (there's a good post about it in /music/).

That said, I still think you're a troll. If you're not, understand I'm not trying to be mean. Seriously. Just trying to prevent some serious flaming.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 15:01 ID:Heaven

I don't really understand the hatred for "wapanese" on this site. If you're posting on a bbs that's basically an excretion of 2ch, you have no business making fun of other people's "wapaneseness".

Really, I think >>2, >>3, and >>6 are being real jerks.

This thread, as a simple greeting, may be worth saging, but that's no reason to flame and insult the poster. It might be a troll, but it's not like he posted anything offensive, so why respond with unbridled hostility? It's not like there's anything else worth reading on this board.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 15:03 ID:Heaven

Oh, and Welcome to 4-ch.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 15:13 ID:rnMMrws5

>>6 is nearly the same as >>1.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 15:15 ID:GfQc6zga

(there's a good post about it in /music/).

Where is it?

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 15:37 ID:rfUzvmiB

Read the thread, someone questionned the OP there and it got interesting.

It's not really hatred. It's just that people going "はじめまして" and "夜しく" or calling people -san all the time get annoying. As well as people who redirect any conversation and debate to japan-related stuff.

Understand I'm not saying that it is bad or stuff, I personally enjoy many things japan - and Asia (well, make it the world) - have to offer. I'm just trying not to rub it on everyone's face.

This is an anonymous message board dedicated to discussion. Wether or not it is inspired from 2ch is irrelevant. We have our own minds and do not have to be "weeaboos" or whatever you call it to hang around here.

As I said before, it's a kind of zeal that is nefarious to the boards. Because a lot of people get bored (or simply won't even come!) to a site filled with people talking about japanjapanjapanjapan, simply because it's not their interest. It's also not a good way to look "open minded".

That post in /music/ pretty much summed that point, that exasperation.

That said, and if you're not a troll (which I'm still not sure), welcome, roobes. Enjoy yourself.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 15:46 ID:2LEeR9Xl

"it's a kind of zeal that is nefarious to the boards. Because a lot of people get bored (or simply won't even come!) to a site filled with people talking about japanjapanjapanjapan"

QFT. Not much to add. Agree totally.

"and if you're not a troll"

Nobody can write retarded like that.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 19:35 ID:Heaven


you're late.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-25 22:06 ID:Heaven

the anonymous do not require introductions.
that actually sounded kinda cool..

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