How to keep foreigners (non-usaers) out of 4-ch (37)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 00:23 ID:5jW/nF8C

i purpose that we ban foreign ips

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 00:35 ID:Heaven

I am the kami of my 2GET.
DQN is my body, and VIP is my blood.
I have created over a thousand kusosure.
Unknown to world4ch
Nor known to 4-ch.
Have withstood bans to create many flamewars.
Yet, those posts will never contribute anything.
So as I pray, Unlimited Troll Works.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 00:48 ID:SIU/vQog

i agree

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 00:53 ID:Heaven

Same person

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 02:08 ID:IqS5DLXC


How do you know?

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 04:39 ID:OcrRnGuE


I lol'd

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 04:47 ID:6v0vMzv+

Yes, lets ban Squeeks from his own forum!
That sounds perfectly rational.

8 Name: 2 : 2007-06-29 08:25 ID:Heaven

Psychic powers.

No, really, it's obvious. Same style, ultra-short bumping post just after the thread got displaced by another thread, pretends to agree to obvious idiocy. Or, in shorter form, I know from a few letters and from having seem quite a few posts in my time.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 09:04 ID:Heaven

DQN is thataway -->

I'm a bit confused, is Squeeks the same as ksqueeks? Why does she keep getting called a he, in that case? "No gurlz on teh intarwebs lulz"?

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 10:11 ID:Heaven

Squeeks is not ksqueeks. Squeeks is the admin of 4-ch. He is from australia, and is doing a world tour right now.

<-- Oh, and DQN is actually that way.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 20:56 ID:0P+Bm4li

The trolls and morons are mainly from USA...

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 21:57 ID:KrHffoNh

Lets build gaschambers for them.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-29 23:23 ID:Heaven

Wasn't ksqueeks an Aussie as well, though?

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-03 02:50 ID:eiuxAYgB


15 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-03 06:59 ID:Heaven


You 'purpose' that [you] ban foreign IPs?

Explain to me what 'purpose' means, used as an intransitive word.
-You 'give purpose to the notion' that [you] ban foreign IPs?
-You 'find purpose in yourself by' [banning] foreign IPs?

16 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-03 19:18 ID:Heaven

We as a community don't need to reduce our population even further.....

17 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-03 21:58 ID:N0P+LM+w



18 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-03 23:09 ID:yVzxaaDZ

If we're going to block whole countries it has to be counties that have shitty English. The whole point of this site is to provide an Anonymous community to English speaking nations, not just the US. I'm becoming more and more supportive of the idea of blocking Japan just to piss off the weeaboos that praise them. If they have something important to say to people over seas they can always use a proxy.

Also, a lot of you act like you have no idea what DQN means.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-03 23:09 ID:Heaven

>>14 is highly skilled in the secret and forbidden (for a reason!) art of 'shitty thread necromancy'.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-03 23:43 ID:e0tVmh10

i'm becoming more and more supportive of the idea of blocking japan because 90% of them only come here to slag off the koreans. it gets tiresome after a while.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-04 05:39 ID:J/x3lxmL


You forget that we're trying to emulate 2channel. Bashing Corea is necessary for this, nida.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-04 11:27 ID:JRU+pkJj

>>16 Agreed even though I'm a rabid nationalist American.

>>21 I think we're trying to emulate 2channel in form, not necessarily content. Huge overlap will exist but, seeing as how language is one of the cornerstones of culture itself, an all-english forum is going to differ from an all-japanese forum (why bash koreans again?)

Course you were probably just kidding. Here's my $4.83 anyway.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-04 13:13 ID:BWlSUiPY

>>18 says...

> If we're going to block whole countries it has to be counties that have shitty English.

Good idea.

So let's ban the US.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-04 20:49 ID:yVzxaaDZ

I'm not the patriotic or serious business ignorant type but we need to try to make it so Japanese culture isn't a huge part of this site. The only things we should emulate from 2ch is the basics of Anonymous culture and basic memes.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-08 11:30 ID:RbIrhnrT


Agreed. OP once again demonstrates the stupid superiority complex that Americans have.
It's funny because OP is on a suicide mission considering the site was made by an Australian.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-11 13:21 ID:Heaven

Stop replying to shitty threads

27 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-16 00:15 ID:phba6uy9

Start replying to shitty threads

28 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-16 01:50 ID:zy/Hidga

ksqueeks was from Tenneseeland.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-18 06:43 ID:o1SGkJmG

I'm aussie and you ain't gettin rid of me, mate. lol.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-18 14:40 ID:Heaven

31 Post deleted.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2010-11-21 18:50 ID:Heaven



33 Name: Anonymous : 2011-03-01 00:35 ID:LY1IoZ6d

All IPv4 addresses should be banned.

It's time for 4-ch to embrace the future of IPv6.

34 Name: Anonymous : 2011-03-01 00:45 ID:Heaven

Because, you know, the USA is so much better

35 Name: Anonymous : 2011-03-01 02:04 ID:rPFQCMdG


36 Name: Anonymous : 2011-03-02 06:29 ID:fMu8XO4t

DVD of "THE COVE" is being distributed free of charge in Sea Shepherd now.

Please contact the application method each mail address described in following URL.

Sea Shepherd has already begun serving in Japan and each country.
You also must apply.

37 Name: Anonymous : 2011-03-03 10:57 ID:Heaven

I hate to have to say it, but why all the unnatural stalkeresque love of all things Japan here? Japan is going to file for a restraining order one of these days if you creeps don't lay off.

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