How can we make 4-ch attract more than 5 people? (142)

127 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-15 12:08 ID:BV9LPy41


I'm new in 4-ch, and I must say that I like very much this BBS.

I find the idea of a completely 100% text only and anonymous forums quite interesting, it resembles much more my ideal of purely abstract mind to mind communication that the internet should be able to provide, instead of becoming more and more a tightly surveilled medium,...

Although I'm not an otaku, I like japanese-related stuff, and I don't mind that japanophilia plays an important role here. And even if starts as a pastiche of, it does not mean that it can't evolve into something interesting in its own way.

Also, I don't think there is any need to americanize this place (I don't even live in the americas). On the contrary, it would be nice if anyone can come here and participate, with english writing skills as sole requirement.

132 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-15 16:26 ID:BV9LPy41


Almost, but not quite,... One can be anonymous in most forums by inventing a nickname. is not special in that regard.

It's the absence of nicknames which is special in 4-ch, because it prevents the building up of a persona, which could limit your identity on-line in the same way as your identity limits you IRL.

As an added bonus, you don't have to deal with people using different nicknames online in order to behave differently.

Of course, many forums have the "Guest", "Anonymous Coward" option, but this does not work if the majority uses nicknames.
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