Subcultures (36)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-27 18:55 ID:tARBQ00k

This thread is dedicated to "serious" discussion and rants about annoying subcultures. Mainly im talking about those bullcrap teenage groups with basically different music tastes than the average people (thus many of them only can be differentiated by checking what kind of music they listen to). It's clear that today's most known subculture is emo. But for me, let it be punk, or metalhead, or goth, or anything they are all the same. Collectively ALL subcultures for normal people are beyond endurance. They just see a bunch of kids doing ridiculous stuff. Listening to shit music, drinking cheap booze and alltogether acting like a total fucktard. Usually people outgrow this status when the teenage years are gone, but those sorry souls in their twenties STILL doing what they used to then they were 16 are the worst.
Basically many interactions with these people in my past made me a big, big antisocial.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-27 19:21 ID:BqR4SeTt Here, have a subculture link maker. It's also useful because it has a neat load of little snippets about different subcultures, which used to be at, but meh wikipedia. This is most of what applies to me.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-27 21:26 ID:/HzHTMsS

don't click this link, it's here to get rid of mail.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-27 22:09 ID:Heaven

By which you mean:

Do not click this link. It is here to get rid of mail harvesters.

None of these links points to

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-28 04:23 ID:Heaven

Is emo really a subculture?

I thought it was ironically mainstream.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-28 13:38 ID:/xJSqtGe

I don't think beeing mainstream should have anything to do with beeing called a subculture... It's more about groups of people who behave very similarily, like most emos dye their hair, and listen to, well, emo music. So ya, I think emo is a subculture.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-31 03:47 ID:DU7+u57c

I really hate those "OTAKU" subcultures..

Why do I hate otakus so much?
No reason. Well they are like cockroaches. They have the same smell. Otaku are dirty and smelly. They should be exterminated. Its just like Dragon Quest where you beat the monster and take the gold.

It's easier to steal money from otaku than my dad or others on the street. Besides, otaku have loads of money.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-31 04:15 ID:6ROo0SIX

>>7 was a brave man... We salute you, our comrade in arms. May life in the next world greet and understand you more than the present.

9 Name: Mr. Likes To Age Threads : 2007-07-31 12:46 ID:FL37Qmk1

( ̄へ ̄) Hello. I am "Mr. Likes To Age Threads". I do believe this is a thread in need of Age, so I would like to Age it. That is why my name is "Mr. Likes To Age Threads".

10 Post deleted by moderator.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-01 05:08 ID:Kv3zF7n6


I know. But you know who I hate the most out of that group?

AMERICAN EXTREME OTAKU. GOOD FUCKING GRIEF. Materialistic, Wapanese, Annoying, FUCK. They act retarded (ie; RANDOMNESSSSZ), they don't even look at any other anime, worst off, THEY ACT LIKE A BUNCH OF STAR WARS NERDS. They obsess over only one fucking show, and they think that they know dick, then they go to 4chan and Gaia. And as for their hygiene? Japanese Otaku don't even fucking smell. In fact, Japanese Otaku aren't even fucking close to these fuckheads.

Lastly, but not least, I FUCKING HATE RICH KIDS.

Greatest fucking grief, these fuckheads are the youth of America? These drug abusing, alcohol indulging, firestarting, testosterone-dick mouthed, Ghetto Rap listening, Over-Sexed, Overly-Cynical, Dumbass Devil's Curly Haired fuckfaces are America's Youth? I bet they'll start World War III. All of these fuckers need to be rounded up into Concentration Camps and tortured to death. NO SWEET RELEASE FOR THESE MONSTERS- KILL THEM ALL.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-01 05:20 ID:Kv3zF7n6


And don't think I'm done yet. Their mothers are fucking soccer moms. Do you know what I really hate about soccer moms? They hate everything and are Christfucks. They listen to Jack Thompson, Hal Turner, and the KKK. They want to burn down everything for the Children, but in the end we know that all of them are a bunch of Extremist feminist cunts that sadly got impregnated by some sorority.

America fucking praises these kids. They don't even show these fuckers on the news if they killed their family to get easy money, got busted during a drug deal, provoked a kid to commit suicide or rampage a school or if they raped several women. America, what the fuck are you thinking?

13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-03 08:06 ID:X1yTnnN4

>America, what the fuck are you thinking?

"When does the next season of American Idol start?"

Lot of stupidity in this country right now...

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-03 18:41 ID:Heaven

>>12 signed

15 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-04 06:41 ID:qnfF9zdh

You are a bad ass, my dear man. American anime otaku are the scum of the earth and it pains me because it was a cute, fun thing to be a fan of when I was ten or eleven. Most of the people I encounter remotely involved with anime, manga, or anything Japanese-culture-related are the same delusional fucks that have read the latest Harry Potter fifteen times at this point. Instead of believing, however, that JK Rowling is going to hook up Snape and Harry in some hot Onegai Sensei, most anime fans have deluded themselves into believing that Japan is a place they'll find normalcy, acceptance, and success. Most are absolutely idealistic and that's sort of naive and adorable until you realize that they are entirely without ambition of any sort. A hoarde of uneducated, acne pocked idiots with Hot Topic wardrobes, shitty metal/techno sensibilities, and fantasies about androgynous boys hooking up with their childhood friends after years of estrangement.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-04 08:09 ID:DdlUX/ik

I really hate the militant muslim sub-culture.

17 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-04 08:55 ID:4dGzKWqQ

In old day,otaku was born.

a lonesome ANIME manias met in convention.

They talk to other manias by what title it only has to call is not understood.

They are a strange title was used each other calling.

"your house"

It's very strange. "Your house" usualy used in professor or hi-class madam.
So it's very strange. Because they were teen-agers after all who are anywhere.

They came to be called "Your house" sooner or later.
Yes, おたく(Otaku) basics mean "Your house".

18 Name: 17 : 2007-08-04 10:02 ID:WlaoxB4q

Yes I am one. about 25 years ago.

A lot of young people enthuse about the subculture and it graduates.
It is a subculture barrel means edge of the subculture.
They say. "We graduated. "
Because the adult is graduates from child's culture.

What's culture?

Mathematics, literature, music, history, philosophy,etc
The man who thoght "this is interesting!" and he move'n change'n the world.
It becomes a culture some time if it is continued to think
that you are interesting.

Now I am 40 old. learn Robotics in College.
The work of the anime special f/x is done now why.
I was surprised to find my name in IMDB. thanks all.

OTAKU's Not Dead.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-04 14:20 ID:XfZ/CgOc


17 is in IMDB?

20 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-05 06:27 ID:Kv3zF7n6


THAT my friend, hit the bullseye. As for myself, I like Manga and Anime as a medium to express ideas, and I like Japanese Culture too (but not more than any other culture too much), but honestly to say, yeah, most of these fuckers blind themselves from the truth. It's not heaven, Tokyo Denizens are about as assheaded as New Yorkers, they obviously hate foreigners, and it's For the Rich, Ruled by the Rich. Also, Harry Potter Sucks Nards. I'd rather had taken a look at book about a magic raccoon that shot out fairy dust from his bunghole than the most cliqued piece of crap I've ever heard in my life.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-05 08:12 ID:Heaven


You've just wantonly insulted a lot of people and fired off sweeping, bland, stereotypes.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-05 10:49 ID:Heaven

Have you ever actually been to Tokyo?

Do you know every single person in that city?

If not, STFU.

23 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-05 12:46 ID:Heaven

>>22 is a shocked weaboo.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-05 13:20 ID:Heaven

>>23 should go back to 4chan.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-05 20:51 ID:Heaven

>>22 & >>24 are the same person.

26 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-05 21:56 ID:Kv3zF7n6


Read and weep.

I was into Harry Potter when I was 9. Then I realized how much crap it is.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-05 22:40 ID:eUspN9WB

And what does that prove?

Try actually living in Japan before you judge.

28 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-06 00:10 ID:Heaven


Yes, I've already read through that site. I know better than to take the experiences and reactions of one person, in a specific work environment (and not a nice one at that) to apply to the whole country.

It's a good page to glean tips and things to look out for, but it's also the guy's dumping yard for all the weird and painful experiences he went through as a newb in Japan. He doesn't really mention anything positive, or bother to explain why he stays in the country, because he's sardonic and cynical that way.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-07 07:02 ID:Kv3zF7n6

You know who pisses me off the most?

Ghetto Asians and Preppy Asians.

They act like they're all Asian, but they don't know a fucking word of their own language. Even if they did, I'm pretty sure it would translate into "Dog fuck me with a tuna sandwich made of turkey".

The Ghetto Asians attach their cars with worthless plastic, wear the horrendous fashion of Basketball and bandannas made of teen book covers, and speak in fucking horrible catchphrases. AZN pride? Are you black or something? Get the hell away from me, damn urban monkey.

The Whitey fuckers really piss me off. They act white, dress white, and are fucking white. They even Party White (that means, poison yourself with a variety of mind altering substances, then have unneeded intercourse without knowing it.). Let's not also forget that they are severely assheaded and dumbassed. The girls of that kind also greatly piss me off. They act like Asian people are supposed to be like the fucking 500,000 rest of the population (minus the weeaboos and people who truly act decent); white, boastful, an ass, and some fuckhead. If I were to give a bullet through the head of one of these whores, I would glady do so.

All of them are fuckhead bitches that really need to be shot.


Ghetto wears street shit and spikes their hair at all times, they HATE beyond that length

Preppy wears the rich white asshead shit and like the Ghetto, hair spiked up. Sometimes long, but not too long.

If you have any sort of unneeded projectile in your hand, just toss. They deserve it.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-08 13:21 ID:DaAX25BG

Please learn the difference between "cliqued" and "cliched".

31 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-08 22:22 ID:Heaven

I don't like "Coreans" because they can't spell.

I am entitled to my opinion.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-09 03:36 ID:VxSoOWTT


> I've already read through that site

NO, you obviously have NOT.

> He doesn't really mention anything positive, or bother to explain why he stays in the country, because he's sardonic and cynical that way.

Front and center, top of the page:

> Important: Japan has a lot of positive traits, and a lot of negative ones also ... the contents of this site center more on the negative aspects than the positive ones since these are what make life for westerners more difficult here. They are meant to show more of what culture shock is experienced and are NOT to be taken as an accounting of the number of good traits vs. the bad.

33 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-09 04:59 ID:FqtpbB5h


Yes, that's his disclaimer. But as the disclaimer mentions, the article is ABOUT culture shock. He's not gonna mention the good stuff, just the stuff he thought was weird unsettling.

Frankly, I found the site pretty educational and down-to-earth, but you shouldn't blow it out of proportion. The stuff he mentions is no reason to avoid Japan.

34 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-10 02:20 ID:VxSoOWTT


> the article is ABOUT culture shock

yes, hence

> He's not gonna mention the good stuff,

as that doesn't cause culture shock, but...

> stuff ... weird unsettling.

...can, in fact, lead to culture shock. It's not a hard concept.

> The stuff he mentions is no reason to avoid Japan.

Has he, anywhere on that site, advised avoiding Japan? No...? Didn't think so.

35 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-10 06:39 ID:GX8IePYB

>>29(that means, poison yourself with a variety of mind altering substances, then have unneeded intercourse without knowing it.)

do you think taking any drug is poisoning yourself?

36 Name: Anonymous : 2007-08-11 01:24 ID:Kv3zF7n6

Whether it helps your body or completely throws your chemical balance off and turns you into a vegetable, yes, it is. Even cooked food still has SOME bacteria in it.

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