just wondered if anyone out there is an expert on caucasian languages who can quench my quest for the laz'origin.
For more than hundred years, European linguists and social anthropologists have been fascinated by the Laz people and tried to give their own type of answer to the question of who the Lazi are. The language, Lazuri, is a survival from a previous, almost lost repository of human speech, belonging to the Kartvelian language-family of the Caucasus. Humboldt and Krettschmer for example, two European historians of the 19th century, came to the conclusion that Kartvelians were closely related linguistically and culturally to aboriginal peoples of ancient Europe among them Etruscans and Basques. (Benninghaus 1989a, pp 475- 97).
Wait, I thought the Etruscans migrated from Iraq/Syria. Least that's what a recent genetic study suggested, so I read.
Don't know much about the Laz people, but here are the inevitable Wikipedia links...