Hello folks,
I was reading up the history of 4chan, and I found this site mentioned. What is this place? How tame are the inhabitants? Will I get banned for posting links to pornographic material? What's the traffic like?
This is pretty much an english 2ch
We're nothing like 4chan.
No images, just text.
Most of us are nice, and welcome nice people to come and stay.
We're all shutins too.
> What is this place?
4-ch is a website for anonymous discussion, allowing people to talk about a variety of subjects.
> How tame are the inhabitants?
All domesticated and toilet trained, with the possible exception those in the hikikomori threads.
> Will I get banned for posting links to pornographic material?
I dunno lol
> What's the traffic like?
Nevada's U.S. Route 50
Seriously, guys.
I think we are really cool, guys.
You guys will have to stop being fagets before I come here by choice again.