Packing my life away (14)

1 Name: Ahiko : 2007-09-21 04:21 ID:8TxW30O5

College is starting soon and I'm excited and kind of reluctant leaving. I'm just hoping that it doesn't rain on move-in day. :P

Anyway, all summer I've been sitting at home playing video games, watching anime and reading manga, so I haven't really had much social interaction lately. I even broke up with my boyfriend the week of graduation because it wasn't working out and I had a lot of things on my mind.

BUT! Will getting used to the college life be tough? I've been sheltered way too long (never drank, smoked, done drugs) and reading my class's group forum on facebook just makes it seem like everyone's there for the unrestrained freedom and not education.

Anyway, I hope it's not so bad and hopefully people won't pressure me into doing things I don't want to. Wish me luck with starting college and feel free to post college stories and more. ^^

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-21 04:32 ID:RhBBQ0YB

everyone at your college is in the same boat as you!
you'll be fine! since you've never drank just dont go too wild!

3 Name: Ahiko : 2007-09-21 04:53 ID:8TxW30O5

Thank you. :)
I hope not to get too wild but at least have some fun every now and then.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-21 18:09 ID:EmTpvuvE

Just don't be a hikki like I was. You don't have to go wild, even if you're just working on something, or studying, consider doing it in a group. Use the facilities/library offered to you. It helps if you're not in a single room as well. I dunno, some people work better alone, but not me.

5 Name: Ahiko : 2007-09-22 00:35 ID:8TxW30O5

Hehe, I'm trying to break out of my hikki-ness but for some reason some of my dormmates are interested in the fact that I'm as much of an avid gamer as they are. o_o

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-22 05:40 ID:FenXUKsG


LAN Party!

7 Name: Ahiko : 2007-09-22 06:45 ID:8TxW30O5

That would be sooo awesome! :D
But we're having a Smash Bros. tournament instead with the whole dorm. XD

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-22 07:07 ID:FaqR9kEZ

Either of those is good. Starting an informal gaming club is a great way to meet cool people.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-22 07:57 ID:gTNoJnfO

I'm looking forward to my own big move to start work in a different country!

Good luck to us both!

10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-22 18:09 ID:zSNmZ9GH

Why the hell does your school not start until practically October?

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-22 20:38 ID:EPCthewo

Heck, my school doesn't start until next week, class next thursday.

And I'm pretty much in the same situation as you, >>1 :p

Probably worse, as I've never really had social interaction or a girlfriend...

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-22 21:12 ID:FenXUKsG


>Starting an informal gaming club is a great way to meet other people like you.


13 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-22 21:17 ID:FenXUKsG


wait, why am I insulting myself?

14 Name: anonymous : 2007-09-23 03:44 ID:E0qzNxE0

hey, i am a sophmore - and I haven't drank/smoke/etc.

I joined a club called ROBOT - basically a techy/geek/nerd/otaku based council within the res halls -

best advice to stay away from all that (if you want to that is) join a council/club LAN party - whatev - meet other geek/nerd/otaku type people. start connections early so you won't feel homesick as soon - and if you do feel homesick - you have people to support you! ^___^ good luck


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