Work does not want to go (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-23 20:41 ID:q2vIZe5e

Sleep shortage

Because I watched 2ch all the time

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-23 21:21 ID:eFjvbm05

I know what you mean. I have the same problem. no discipline to go to bed at night. But I think it's worth doing it anyway.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-23 21:51 ID:X2QYuD1v

i've been messing up my sleeping times lately too, but I hope to get pretty close back to them soon ^^
I just came up with a time at night where I'd say i'm going to bed, provided I have no work left due the next day (in which case I complete that, then bed).

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-23 22:42 ID:3N04w/WQ

fuck off bitch

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-23 23:34 ID:Heaven


no u

6 Name: 5 : 2007-09-24 11:59 ID:QdD/Wp4I

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-25 00:57 ID:zh43uZWd

I'd suggest going into your bed and closing your eyes.

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