So I met this guy at a bar Sunday night (19, permasaged)

1 Name: Anti-Squeeks : 2007-11-02 05:53 ID:rF1c1LtO

and within one minute I was giving him a blowjob in the bathroom

He called me tonight and we're supposed to go on a date At least I know his junk works...

I don't know what came over me, that is definitely NOT the order in which I normally do things

And yes, I'm gay.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-02 12:46 ID:FLWlHKd0

Fuck off Anti-Squeeks!!!

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-02 14:43 ID:fnnm82UV

lol AIDS

4 Name: Anti-Squeeks : 2007-11-02 14:55 ID:bUEIXelZ

Thanks. I need some attention from clones. :D
Maybe don't make 300 threads today? Who knows.

5 Name: CyberNeo1337!CnpcB18FKA : 2007-11-02 15:43 ID:Heaven

Maybe learn grammar instead of wasting time today? Who knows.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-02 16:56 ID:Heaven

my how interesting

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-02 19:05 ID:F7lUFoq7

>I don't know what came over me


>this guy at a bar

8 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-03 07:23 ID:UpiTIxcM


I lol'd

9 Name: Anonymous : 2007-11-04 20:33 ID:Heaven


10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-14 05:07 ID:26Ty/lXv


11 Name: !ZnBI2EKkq. : 2008-07-06 20:03 ID:Heaven

I will use this shitty thread to make some tests, please don't mind me.

12 Name: !aMU/6hIJZs : 2008-07-06 20:03 ID:Heaven

I will use this shitty thread to make some tests, please don't mind me.

13 Name: !ilMzxYkQgs : 2008-07-06 20:04 ID:Heaven

I will use this shitty thread to make some tests, please don't mind me.

14 Name: !hxj506FbmI : 2008-07-06 20:04 ID:Heaven

I will use this shitty thread to make some tests, please don't mind me.

15 Name: !v2p.ypUghY : 2008-07-06 20:04 ID:Heaven

I will use this shitty thread to make some tests, please don't mind me.

16 Name: !2W/J48i30g : 2008-07-06 20:04 ID:Heaven

I will use this shitty thread to make some tests, please don't mind me.

17 Name: !k97bEddi.M : 2008-07-06 20:05 ID:Heaven

I will use this shitty thread to make some tests, please don't mind me.

18 Name: !8sgIw56jeE : 2008-07-06 20:06 ID:Heaven

I will use this shitty thread to make some tests, please don't mind me.

19 Name: !HV1tkU1q.M : 2008-07-06 20:06 ID:Heaven

I will use this shitty thread to make some tests, please don't mind me.

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