4chan has been hacked (73)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 08:29 ID:Rknp011g

and i'm seriously going through withdrawl.

i miss my /b/.
need. anon. image. board. fix.

(tourniquet on arm, slapping veins)

2 Name: sage : 2007-12-14 09:23 ID:Heaven

gtfo and gb2/b/ sage

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 09:32 ID:M0gztUoi


I need an imageboard guise

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 10:03 ID:Heaven

try 2chan.net, it's the original after all.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 10:05 ID:Heaven

Some hack though,
they even set up a dummy php forum site.

I honestly don't know how these sorts of tricks are possible, being a newb and all, but it seems 4chan is a frequent target of able and persistent hackers.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 14:52 ID:q4oHq5y3

I thought that 4-ch seemed stupider today.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 15:01 ID:Heaven


Imageboard full of shitposts and images of questionable legality.
You would know of ~30 more imageboards if you weren't a fucking tool.

8 Name: Anon : 2007-12-14 16:21 ID:CYx+yKDt


9 Name: Anon : 2007-12-14 16:53 ID:3WJ1a7Fy


10 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 16:57 ID:5REmfbRq

From what the status blog said, they messed with the DNS names.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 17:43 ID:Heaven


( ¬_¬) Oh, brother..

( ¬_¬) Oh, brother..

12 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 19:31 ID:PoU55sj0

don't you think it's beautiful the way the slight, temporary destruction of all that held our worlds together yet, ironically, constantly tearing us apart, is bringing us together to comfort each other during this AWFUL, tragic time of loss?

it's truly like the apocalypse here. nothing is the same, all signs of what was are gone, and we are left with nothing but grey. maybe this is what we are now; this is what we've become. not only are people compromising the purity of Anon, but we're numbered. we're FUCKING numbered.

i feel like dying.

13 Name: tsnaa : 2007-12-14 23:11 ID:uvFjGb+j

anons has lost this battle but its wrath shall be terrible and its retribution swift...

14 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 23:44 ID:+2UnjFUa


Stealing 4chan's domain name and pointing it to another server is like stealing www.google.com and pointing it to a single machine. Those idiots are just going to DDoS themselves. 15000+ pissed-off anons are not something you want to fuck with.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 00:31 ID:Heaven

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・) < My name is Squeeks and I'm truly sick of the threads about 4chan everytime it goes down.
 (つ   つ 
 | | |     

16 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 00:42 ID:Heaven

looks like the php forum is down and they've downsized to "lulz" signatures. Too much bandwidth there, I wonder?

17 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 00:47 ID:0r1f/MKX

Something is wrong with a lot of the chans it seems. Well, more than usual, I mean.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 02:21 ID:IGqoFsqO

420 just got their shit running again. timing is great.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 02:28 ID:Heaven

I never visit imageboards and am unaffected by this.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 04:03 ID:Heaven

That people are flipping out over this is terribly amusing. Back in the day 4chan was down more often than not.

21 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 04:34 ID:Heaven

> 15000+ pissed-off anons are not something you want to fuck with.

How many of those are capable of any DDoS method besides pressing the reload button over and over?

22 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 05:02 ID:q4oHq5y3


A lot of the /i/ folk from other boards. But most of them hate 4chan proper.

My DNS cache is outdated and I can't get anywhere other than the blog. What's on the actual hacked pages?

And what sort of private information is moot talking about anyway?

23 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 05:11 ID:Heaven

> What's on the actual hacked pages?

greetz and an invitation to a horrible irc channel

> And what sort of private information is moot talking about anyway?

mod passwords, probably. but the lulz people are technology illiterate they wouldn't know how to steal them

24 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 05:29 ID:bk0tBsz3

Haha, I'm glad I got banned about a week ago.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 05:51 ID:Heaven

That's more effective than you think, imagine what would happen if Google's domain name got changed to point to a regular server -- on a somewhat smaller scale. See >>16

26 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 09:23 ID:OY3ZmCME

It's kind of funny that I didn't go on 4chan at all yesterday (it's 1:22 AM) and 4chan just happens to be hacked. I mean, I haven't missed a day of 4channing in, like, forever!

27 Name: Maxis : 2007-12-15 09:47 ID:J2HgnS8/

The current supposed Official Status Blog claims that this is all planed, and that a lame group of fags have talked moot into letting them take over 4-chon. As this was the first re-direct I saw once 4-chan was hacked, and the original message was very very different, either the 'official blog' isn't, or it too has been compromised.

We need direct contact with Moot before we can say what's really going on.

28 Name: Maxis : 2007-12-15 10:11 ID:J2HgnS8/

more info here.

I doubt this is truth, or that Moot has given up 4chan. it has basically been his life for the last 3 years. I don't see him giving it to a group of self-important fags.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 10:24 ID:uYVGDgsF

you mean http://4chanstatus.blogspot.com ? It doesn't say anything about any planned takeover.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 11:36 ID:CJo3StBA

new4chan got taken down lol.
by it's free hosting service lol.

Really, people just need to calm down.
They're just trolls.
They sound as if Andrew Ryan is their PR guy.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 11:36 ID:+2UnjFUa


"This Account Has Been Suspended
Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible."

Looks like the traffic is getting to them. Those script kiddies certainly were ignorant of how much bandwidth 4chan really takes.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 11:55 ID:CJo3StBA

Not a freehost, but a cheaphost. Plans $4-8.

33 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 12:05 ID:Heaven

So why does this 4chon have so many enemies?
I mean I'd support anyone who wanted to take down /b/,
but why /a/? What has /a/ ever done to anyone?

34 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 13:06 ID:Heaven

Idiotic members of the random board of 4chan like to "raid" other websites for the express purpose of "doing it for the lulz". This has annoyed (and probably angered) many of the affected communities. It was inevitable that something like this would happen because of those people.

35 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 13:33 ID:Aw3jStET


This had nothing to do with the people 4chan raided. Type 4chan in your address bar and it will take you to the goons.net. I dont know if it has anything to do with SA goons or not. These guys are basically do what 4chan does and saw 4chan as a competitor and hacked them just to be we are cool we hacked 4chan. Its so stupid why would you hack it ?

36 Name: Lockon Stratos : 2007-12-15 14:27 ID:aiEMHbVC

im usual at /a/ /egl/ /b/ and /v/ and i was on 4chan when this dillema stuck.
those guys responsible for this mess will receive heaven's vengeance!


37 Name: Maxis : 2007-12-15 16:16 ID:J2HgnS8/

Lacking my TG, I'll just hang out at Failseer and Dakka Failure, but I miss my DOOMRIDER! NAnanananananananananananananananananana!!!!!!

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