4chan has been hacked (73)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-14 08:29 ID:Rknp011g

and i'm seriously going through withdrawl.

i miss my /b/.
need. anon. image. board. fix.

(tourniquet on arm, slapping veins)

36 Name: Lockon Stratos : 2007-12-15 14:27 ID:aiEMHbVC

im usual at /a/ /egl/ /b/ and /v/ and i was on 4chan when this dillema stuck.
those guys responsible for this mess will receive heaven's vengeance!


37 Name: Maxis : 2007-12-15 16:16 ID:J2HgnS8/

Lacking my TG, I'll just hang out at Failseer and Dakka Failure, but I miss my DOOMRIDER! NAnanananananananananananananananananana!!!!!!

38 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 16:16 ID:Heaven

Thanks so much for sharing.

39 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 17:16 ID:wkDTRZ5B

This Account Has Been Permanently Suspended And is Awaiting Termination
Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.

Special Notice: Thank you to all of the individuals who have alerted us to the problems revolving around these sites. Sorry the investigation took so long to conclude; however, one individual in particular pointed out that this client was impersonating members of our managment team, even to the point of the domain registrations and online representation.

Glexia plans on working with any authority or court if prompted to on further investigation on this issue. Here at Glexia, we wish the best luck to the individuals at 4chan.org in recovering their domain (assuming it was indeed stolen, based off the number of abuse complaints we received)

Thank you for your time.


40 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 17:16 ID:Heaven

Guys, chill out, it will probably be back in a few days. In the worst case with a new domain name, it's not like that would make any sort of dent in their popularity.

41 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-15 22:42 ID:Heaven


42 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-16 00:13 ID:lQzq0/AX

I miss my /lounge/ and /b/. :(((

43 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-16 02:41 ID:g8ZgBx8K

learn to use hosts file

44 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-16 03:00 ID:IhF1qMPU

Every time 4chan dies, many newfags leave.

45 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-16 04:40 ID:g8ZgBx8K

clear ur cookies

46 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-16 07:43 ID:VY0OJ56w

fuck the fucking server, fucking fuck!

47 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-16 10:52 ID:Heaven

It seems a lot of people are really in the dark about /i/ and 4chan's love/hate relationship. This won't have all the details, but should serve as a good enough summary.

After moot created the "new rules" for /b/, cracking down on jailbait and "call-to-invasion" threads (commonly referred to as /b/day), 7chan opened an "/i/ - Invasion" board to hold the refugees. Here, those banned or alienated from 4chan were able to do their raid organizing.

After a while, 7chan's admin was given an ultimatum by his host, who had received many complaints from other websites that /i/ had targeted. They were violating the TOS, and decided to remove the /i/ board instead of finding a new host.

Afterwards, 420chan hosted /i/ firstly on its own servers and later only linked to the board, having moved to a separate host: not420chan. Due to the nature of /i/nsurgent activity, these boards have a limited lifespan, so they moved their main operations to IRC so they could better communicate and plan in a less public way. After this they weren't "affiliated" with any particular chan, though they certainly lurk them all; most have a hatred for 4chan and love for 420.. 7chan is somewhere in the middle.

The #insurgency IRC channel was on Rizon for a time before moving to their own network, "lulznet" - not to be confused with lulz.net. 7chan at one point linked their IRC network with /i/'s. The /i/nsurgents also asked moot to join, and when he ignored them, they launched a distributed denial of service attack against 4chan. 7chan de-linked from their network.

During and after the downtime from the DDoS, as many Anonymous were trying to understand what happened, /i/ was spreading misinformation on the various imageboards and Encyclopedia Dramatica about who was responsible. This ranged between the lulz.net furries, some (not SA-related) "g00n" hacker group, another named "teamloosh", the GNAA, and so on.

Thus, it is not surprising to again find these same traditional scapegoats being blamed for the DNS hijack. The /i/nsurgents will probably continue to harass 4chan until either moot gives up on it or their group is dealt with by law enforcement - the latter being more likely even if still a low chance. An alternative would be for /i/ to find something more productive to do with their time, but if the Internet has taught us anything, we shouldn't hold our breaths on it.

48 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-16 11:55 ID:bk0tBsz3

As a 420chan-based /i/nsurgent, I'd like to add in that most of us thought the lulznet incident was fucking stupid, and were planning to raid them for taking down 4chan. In fact, despite not being on 4chan, we'd raided multitudes of people who wanted to fuck with 4chan because they're a fellow chan.

49 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-16 19:36 ID:hgmtpl2l


If only 420 were hosted on 4chan, maybe it wouldn't be down so often?

50 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-17 15:05 ID:dktg+bU6

<BODY ONLOAD=alert('XSS')>

51 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-17 15:45 ID:Heaven


lol internet

52 Name: cho0b : 2007-12-19 22:12 ID:nyv/6Y97

you are misinformed about pretty much all of that. :) "lulznet" didn't ddos 4chan. an irc network cannot ddos anything. you are stuck in a loop of idiocy. 4chan does not attack websites yet websites that get 'attacked' by /b/tards believe that 4chan has attacked them. it's the same here.

you let yourselves be manipulated into telling stories that someone other than yourself generated. (rumors) :o

53 Name: Anonymous : 2007-12-20 22:34 ID:Heaven

> 4chan does not attack websites

That's right, the residents of 7chan, 420chan or some other place do and 4chan takes the credit/blame.

54 Name: fag : 2008-06-04 00:54 ID:jnGtecfJ


55 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-04 07:26 ID:Heaven


Nice gravedig. Also, 55 get.

56 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-23 19:50 ID:ISy3H8sg


57 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-27 06:07 ID:fZROtfNu

/b/, I need help with something. There's this guy that's being a douche bag to all of my friends, here's his myspace, terrorize him please! http://www.myspace.com/83687780

58 Name: Anon-a-mouse : 2008-07-27 18:40 ID:JOr54q1K


LOLWUT? Who the fuck do you think Anonymous is? We aren't an agency for you to call for bullshit like that. Do you own shit.

59 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-27 21:32 ID:Heaven


60 Name: sage : 2008-07-28 02:58 ID:OEd5YzV2

Go back to 4chan faggots.

61 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-10 01:26 ID:ZxZlrtEV

no other chan is quite like my 4chan

62 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-10 19:08 ID:hoOPoGSG

the cancer clinic.

63 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-10 20:59 ID:mtF1HuEH

4chan is down again. Another DDoS attack?

64 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-10 23:26 ID:fR2/oI9d

Maybe moot finally got v&

65 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-11 02:07 ID:HOtqloFM

nah, just some bullshit with the DNS server.

66 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-11 22:01 ID:hoOPoGSG

any new mail from tim?

67 Name: Anonomoose : 2008-08-11 22:21 ID:GSndCJtn

This blows.... I hate all these other chans..... so many protected .... can't access with out passwords! When's 4chan going to be back up?

68 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-12 19:45 ID:cYsJg3+o



69 Post deleted.

70 Name: J : 2008-11-24 17:09 ID:Heaven



71 Name: Hipanonamous : 2009-02-02 20:15 ID:s8kY8Hs0


Who lives in a underground KFC?
Blackbob Niggerpants!

72 Name: sage : 2009-02-03 23:48 ID:Heaven

Session Start: Thu Apr 17 02:41:20 2008
Session Ident: Shamrock
[02:41] Session Ident: Shamrock (gypsy@
[02:41] <Shamrock> hughw told me all about you
[02:41] <Shamrock> So I banned you.
[02:41] <Shamrock> Enough said.
[02:41] <Shamrock> Get out of my pm.
00[02:41] <paros> hahahaha
Session Close: Thu Apr 17 02:41:38 2008

Session Start: Sun Nov 23 05:07:24 2008
Session Ident: Shamrock
00[05:07] <paros> Tell me here
00[05:07] <paros> who is this "family"?
00[05:13] <paros> I don't know any family on dalnet. Who is telling you this stuff?
00[05:14] <paros> I don't know who you are either.
[05:14] <Shamrock> Everyone knows what you did.
00[05:14] <paros> Everyone who?
[05:14] <Shamrock> Doesn't matter.
[05:14] <Shamrock> You're playing stupid.
[05:14] <Shamrock> You know what you did.
[05:15] <Shamrock> The founder of #deates has said your akick will never be removed.
[05:15] <Shamrock> You're not welcome.
00[05:15] <paros> No I don't know you and I don't know what you are talking about. Sorry.
[05:15] <Shamrock> Now stop pming me.
[05:15] <Shamrock> Yes you do. I really don't care though :) Lie all you want.
00[05:15] <paros> What am I lying about, sir?
[05:16] <Shamrock> I'm not a man.
[05:16] <Shamrock> Now stop pming me.
[05:16] <Shamrock> I am putting you on ignore.
Session Close: Sun Nov 23 05:32:15 2008

73 Name: jordans for sale : 2010-11-19 06:10 ID:Qvnpg7zM

Thanks for sharing your article. I really enjoyed it. I put a link to my site to here so other people can read it.

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