Staying at home for uni/college (21)

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-07 01:35 ID:axj4dWxo

I wound up going to a school about 30 minutes from my parent's home. My first two years I lived on campus, to have the whole 'being on my own' experience, while still being close enough to come back for mama's home cooking and to do my laundry for free a few times a week. Worked out beautifully. Of course, I wound up losing my scholarships (lol) and having to move back home anyway. It was good that I could live at home and drive to class, but I really regret missing out on the whole 'campus life' thing... granted that there wasn't much to do on campus if you weren't greek. Dry county, lol. :(

Long story short, stay home if it makes financial sense, but maybe try to work towards getting an apartment or something? Perhaps you'll meet some people you can share a place with.

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