abortion (12)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-15 16:44 ID:NswtZxri

okay. i, personally, am opposed to abortion in all but the most extreme cases (endangering mother's life etc) for the simple reason that i believe, whether a foetus is technically "human" or not at the point at which abortion is carried out, if left alone it will almost certainly become a human. and therefore i consider killing the foetus to be more or less equivalent to killing a human.

now, if people want to support abortion, that's their own business (note that i'm avoiding the ridiculous phrases "pro-life" and "pro-choice") but i'm kinda sick of one particular argument that keeps getting wheeled out by that side of the debate, and that's that abortion is somehow a feminist thing, and people opposed to abortion are all just trying to exercise male control over women's bodies. which is quite frankly bullshit, as far as i'm concerned. i don't care one bit what women do with their bodies, they can do what they like. the body i'm concerned with is the one growing inside the woman, and just because it happens to be up her snatch doesn't make it a feminist issue.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-15 17:27 ID:Heaven

> note that i'm avoiding the ridiculous phrases "pro-life" and "pro-choice"

Thank you for that.

> just because it happens to be up her snatch doesn't make it a feminist issue.

True and False.

First-wave feminists opposed abortion on the grounds they felt it was a horrific crime, that should only be an option if the father wont support the child and there is no recourse to make him do so.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-16 00:01 ID:2HZJ4ErO

First-wave feminists opposed abortion on the grounds they felt it was a horrific crime, that should only be an option if the father wont support the child and there is no recourse to make him do so.

I don't believe that's true; Voltairine de Claire and Margaret Sanger were very active feminists early in the first wave, and they were advocates of the right to choose abortion.

But for my own opinion, I'm in favor of keeping abortion legal because global health evidence indicates that making it illegal doesn't make it go away, it just makes it a serious public health issue. Illegal abortions happen every day, and many of them kill women, particularly in the developing world.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-16 03:59 ID:D3qoeh8e

Get rid of abortion, and maybe people will finally learn some goddamned responsibility (men and women, it takes both). Besides, it's a completely barbaric procedure, and I don't know how any woman could live with herself after getting it done.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-16 06:48 ID:D+y231gh


I'm afraid that's delusional.
and Inconsistent with the facts at hand.

That's comparable to banning alcohol, closing up social security, and re-instating the death penalty. Oh wait, the death penalty... hasn't yet been shut-down. Funny how many of the "pro-life" advocates are simultaneously pro-death penalty.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-16 11:38 ID:Heaven

Sentencing to death is done in a court of law with a very high burden of proof against the defendant that has allegedly done something very nasty. Abortion happens when the dick is too stupid to wait for a condom.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-16 14:27 ID:Heaven

I'm very much in favor of having it as a legal medical practice covered by the health care insurance.

I'll admit that I have some difficulty thinking of abortion as a reproductive right, but I disagree with >>1. The choice of if, when, and how often to have children is inherently a women's issue and neatly falls under feminism.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-16 17:30 ID:9MdXBox0

I think, though, after conception has occurred, then that decision has been made (whether intentional or not) and it shouldn't then be the woman's (or anyone's) right to effectively end the life of another person before it's even begun in the name of reproductive choice.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-16 18:50 ID:ViEoGOLh


Is an aborted fetus!

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-16 21:08 ID:caBmO1+S

morals warp a little when you've been through it.
i used to be against it until one of my best friends broke down crying and confessed she had one, and not a miscarriage.
now i kind of don't give a shit, now that i know someone close to me whos had one. meh

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-17 17:57 ID:Heaven

People who have had abortions are heroes, for it is a drastic procedure, and anyone desperate enough to have one is desperate not to have a child, and anyone who's desperate not to have a child shouldn't be in charge of one.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-18 07:15 ID:Heaven

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