What do they drink in Japan? (31)

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-28 01:26 ID:CBn+zfwU


An idiot, I guess. For crying out loud the name is Gaelic and its made mainly from wheat... which was not exactly prominent as a crop in Asia back when people were drinking whisk(e)y on the British Isles. It's like retards who say vodka is made from potatos... the cheap modern stuff yeah, but real vodka is from wheat as well. What with potatoes only being brought over to Europe some time after vodka's invention.

To te people saying beer is more common: if you actually read the post he's asking for the most common HARD LIQUOR.
BEER is not a fucking SPIRIT, neither are ALCOPOPS.

Adding to the nationalities of spirits, gin is from the Netherlands originally.

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