Does anyone here date and have sex regularly? (17)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-01-25 22:36 ID:Heaven

An earlier thread asked "who's a virgin". -- Let's ask the opposite question now.

Who here is sexually active? As in, when you're single, you can still close the deal at least, say, every two months.

I'm not, but I have my own apartment and a decent-paying job and I think my grooming habits are OK. But I am handicapped, therefore Darwin is not on my side. And I haven't tried any of the Big Expensive Ways, like getting a hundred-dollar haircut, a $400 outfit, or emptied my savings account on one of those seduction-method boot camps. Know why? Because my male friends who actually are sexually active, haven't done any of that crap either.

On that note, why do you think you're sexually active, when so many other people aren't?

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