from 4chan (35)

1 Name: M : 2008-02-03 05:17 ID:aecLp3c2

hi, i just came from 4chan.
i'm quite sick of that place... though i enjoy the concept of open boards like this. can you tell me anything about this place i should know? it already seems this place is a bit more mature...

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-03 05:21 ID:ZQ+w4+3c

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-03 06:55 ID:DB+46HI+

Your name is showing. You should hide it from us.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-03 07:47 ID:aecLp3c2

thank you, and i lol'd at #3.

5 Name: Densha Otoko!O/OPk78WXI : 2008-02-04 18:05 ID:TtZxahgG

What is wrong with me?

  • 電車男

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-04 18:07 ID:Heaven

the first rule of densha otoko is...

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-04 18:18 ID:Heaven

... to fuck your cat in the ass.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-04 19:25 ID:Heaven

the second rule of densha otoko is...

to FUCK your CAT in the ASS.

Are Densha's tripcodes widely known? I heard his first one got hacked quickly.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-05 12:56 ID:Heaven

Wait, Densha was a tripfag? I have just lost all respect!

10 Name: ( ´_⊃`)!NSB/tixtek : 2008-02-05 17:43 ID:Heaven

He was anonymous at first. Then he identified himself by his post number. Then he got an alias. Then he got a tripcode to avoid DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-06 02:44 ID:MBfNXI2I

moar liek Densha Otaku, amirite?

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-06 12:28 ID:TMSAAeo+

moar liek I SUCK COCKS, amirite?

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-10 00:06 ID:G64IE57W

op here..
oh come on now.. fucking cats in the ass.. sucking cocks.. "%anything%fags" [whats a tripfag?] .. this is sounding a bit too much like 4chan again.. just without the images of dead bodies, cocks and smiling people...

14 Name: M!!EKzInqRw : 2008-02-10 00:13 ID:G64IE57W

Ah, I should look around and read before I ask.
got the trip code thing down.
so i presume everyone here hates these for whatever reason?

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-11 17:12 ID:Heaven

If the English-language FAQs are any indication, anonymity is the default on the original Japanese 2-channel BBS, and Futaba image board as well, and people who post with names and tripcodes are generally regarded as being egotistical. If the participants of a conversation are to be distinguished, then reply numbers are most often used.

The English translation of the Densha Otoko threads doesn't include any posts where DO gets shouted down for transitioning into "namefaggotry". Maybe there weren't any, or maybe those were left out.

on 4chan, people who post with names and tripcodes are given the appropriate fag title. I don't know whether this is due to any perceived problem with names, or just 4channers looking for any excuse to call someone a fag. It could also be an extension of the /b/tarded "Anonymous is legion" Fight Club fantasy. Since I don't really give a shit what people put in the name field, I don't understand the psychology of it, really.

All I know for sure is that any essay about how anonymity prevents trolling? Total bullshit. That might be true in the homogeneous culture of Japan, but there are plenty of English-speakers who seem to think that taking advantage of people's trust is the funniest thing you can possibly do.

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 00:43 ID:Zl8e9gz6


>trip code thing

Go away. No, seriously.


17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 05:06 ID:Heaven

chillax, m'dear. he'll get his bearings soon enough.

letting that thing shii wrote about anonymity take its course through the little pathways of my head, i'm still not perfectly certain how i feel about the values of anonymity and pseudnyms and identifiers we use in personal interactions. i guess for large impersonal internetcontentthings anonymity is the easiest thing to do being that there wouldn't be much of an interest in identity. in smaller closer-knit web sights pseudonymity and elements of one's identity in society at large begin to make sense as people become more interested in just who they are interacting with. but there are strange things with regard to that as well. when you get to be on a given name basis with people you lose some of your ability to tamper with the image you project of yourself. and then there are things like unification of one's identity across the internet and persistence of identity. i don't know how to feel about those weirding ways but it does trouble me that they could impinge on the right to vanish.
as an aside i guess only squeeks knows with any certainity but are there any estimates as to how large this place is?

>>15 was terribly interesting, thank you.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 07:12 ID:DB+46HI+

Who says anonymity prevents trolling? Nobody. Anybody knows that pseudo-anonymity does not prevent trolling. Anonymous discussion guarantees that a person read each post for the value of the post rather than the celebrity status of the poster.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 13:43 ID:Heaven

This thread shouldn't exist, lurking moar is sufficient to get used to this place.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 14:43 ID:Heaven

21 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 16:39 ID:Heaven

>>18 -- actually, it seems that the worst trolls are established users, whose posts consider largely of shouting other people down.
For example, >>16, >>19.

Hey, know what would keep out the newfags? Registration, maybe a subscription fee, or a karma system. Someone should invent a forum software that has those, so they can all go there instead.

I'm used to the place, just discussing it.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 17:11 ID:45CfUNWq


>when you get to be on a given name basis with people you lose some of your ability to tamper with the image you project of yourself.

This is where you get it totally wrong: it's because of identity that you CAN tamper the image you project. And it's with the people you're on a given name basis that you will engineer your identity the most.

To understand that you just have to think on how you behave with your school buddies, your mother, and your first date partner. If you behave exactly the same in all cases, then you are forgiven and I'm afraid you will never understand the point (good for you!).

Without identity people can be sincere, or they can troll. But what they cannot do is to engineer the image they project, because this is part of their identity,...

23 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 18:13 ID:5zd6ntJ/

>>21 Fail. You seriously think the good, level-headed advice in >>19 is an example of one of the "worst trolls"? Seriously?

24 Name: 15 : 2008-02-13 18:15 ID:Heaven

Consider this case.

I made a good post in this thread.

If there were the chance you recognized me from another thread, you probably would have skipped my post, because I said some dumb crap, possibly even today. But it's instantly forgiven, which means I get to move forward.

I wonder if this has anything to do with why new people are never welcomed, or even ignored as background noise when they don't post well. Instead, every newcomer can count on being berated by everyone. It's probably something that gets noticed less on 2ch, where the expectation of perfect conformity is something you get used to.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 20:13 ID:Heaven

i'm not denying that we act differently toward different audiences in an attempt to conform with a desired image.

in that particular quote i was trying to discern the difference between pseudonymity and alethonymity (?). even with a pseudonym you do create an image for yourself, i'm just thinking that as you invest more of personal truths into an identity the range in which you can manipulate it shrinks. that doesn't seem very clear. suppose some person knows everything anyone could know about you. ignoring silly fears like repercussions in your face-to-face social life &c., could you, say, pretend to be a racist to this person?

26 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 21:55 ID:Heaven

Namefags can go to faggy registration boards.

27 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 23:17 ID:Heaven


28 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-13 23:38 ID:Heaven


> could you, say, pretend to be a racist to this person?

Yes, If you simply create a puppet account.

On the flip side, if you happen to actually let a phrase slip that can be construed as racist, and it's taken at face value... you're going to be known as a Racist Asshole for the duration of your stay, causing everyone you offended to dismiss your posts when they see your name tagged next to it.

> ignoring silly fears like repercussions in your face-to-face social life

Those fears aren't quite so silly.

29 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-14 00:42 ID:Heaven

Yes, If you simply create a puppet account.

On the flip side, if you happen to actually let a phrase slip that can be construed as racist, and it's taken at face value... you're going to be known as a Racist Asshole for the duration of your stay, causing everyone you offended to dismiss your posts when they see your name tagged next to it.
yes, but that's slipping into pseudonymity. the idea i'm playing around with here is how one would behave through their true identity (i.e. what's public record, not that this person is representing themself in bona fide) as opposed to pseudonymity.

Those fears aren't quite so silly.
yeah, that was a bad attempt at diminutizing the idea

30 Post deleted.

31 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-14 16:43 ID:vMZnob2Y

4chan and 7chan both raided 2chan yesterday.

It started with a post where someone posted 2chan's URL and asked people to fetch stuff back. Then someone posted a proxy that allowed people outside Japan to post, and all hell broke loose. People posted gore in all sorts of random threads, because anyone who could have posted something funny must have had better things to do. There were hiroshima pics, all kinds of crap. Surprisingly, I didn't see any retaliation on 4chan.

Sadly, there was a cat and dog thread that didn't get gored or trolled. A few 4channers posted their own Caturday pictures there, and for me it symbolized what could have been.

And another somewhat cute thread in which everyone posted beginner's Japanese in romaji like a teenager looking for a pen pal.

32 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-15 15:57 ID:Heaven

You did. OWNED!

33 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-15 21:53 ID:YB5Qdl0x

I permanbanned myself from 4chan within a week of going on it (just under 2 years ago), and then I discovered some real imageboards.

34 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-15 23:02 ID:Heaven

you mean 4chan is fake?

35 Name: M!!EKzInqRw : 2008-02-16 01:08 ID:hDIFjTPB

hah very well stated..


i feel as if i do wish to have just a slight hint of who i'm talking to, even if other than a slight identification code, they remain anonymous. do you personally believe it is rude or pompous of me to have some form of identification on an otherwise anonymous board?

well said. (sorry i don't have a more engaging response.)

i'm not sure if i'll keep this name, granted the reality is most likely that more people will recognize the pompous nature of the identity itself, rather than recognizing the person behind it.

this turned into a much larger discussion than i had expected.
thanks for your input, anon.

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