I want to study ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!! (95)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-02-17 12:47 ID:Heaven

You should ignore >>4,7, they were making jokes about indigenous Americans. In your first post, you wrote "Native American." It is understandable, but the phrase "Native American" is mainly used to describe the indigenous people of America (like Cherokee, Navajo, etc.).

Your English is quite good. If I may, I can suggest a simple correction.
× "Sorry,I dont want to be HIV"
◯ "Sorry,I don't want to be HIV-positive"
◯ "Sorry,I don't want to have HIV"
When talking about illness in this manner, we use the verb "to have", not "to be". HIV is special, though, it has its own adjective, "HIV-positive", so this word can be used with "to be".

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