I want to study ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!! (95)

24 Name: 19 : 2008-02-18 19:28 ID:FaY8IM/X

Hi there.

Some corrections:


I am/I'm a Zapanese living in Tokyo, Japan.


This is not really common. I would choose something like "On a related note, ..."

Keep proper interpunction in mind. Always put a space after (and never before) the characters . , ? ! : ;. Use a space before using a smiley like :). Also, I advice you to never use more than one ? or !, because just like when only using capital letters, it makes it seem like you're screaming.

One thing many Japanese do is using a new line for every sentence, which is not needed. Only when the next part you're writing is unrelated to the previous one you should do this.

Because your English is already pretty good, not many will notice it's not your native language when you follow these tips. Americans usually write a lot worse on the internet than you do, anyway. :)

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