hmm (11)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-28 00:25 ID:I4jrE76a

Is English your first language? If not, that's okay. You should probably ignore any negative comments directed at your phrasing if so.

As for being racist, sure you know people who are black and are not attractive, but don't you know any that are black and attractive? Not even movie stars/singers? Not even half blacks? Halle Berry, Beyonce Knowles, Barack Obama, Pharrell Williams... you don't find any of them attractive?

I too wouldn't date most, perhaps any, of the blacks I personally know. (Asians are most my thing, actually. I'm not yellow fever enough to say that all of them are attractive, but I find them attractive more often then I find other races attractive.) But that isn't to say I wouldn't date any blacks.

You see, the line between racsist and non-racist is drawn when you generalize to a whole race of people based on a few you see negatively. "The few blacks I know aren't attractive, so therefore I wouldn't date any blacks." That statement would be racist.

Why don't you like south Africans? You just might be racist if you don't have a good reason for ut.

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