Our generation sucks (32)

7 Name: GENX : 2008-05-28 23:43 ID:iMGauPmD

I agree, our generation is probably one of the worst yet. We literally don't have the willpower to go out and do the things our parents and grandparents did. We want everything easy, no work, no fuss, no muss. And we want to be treated like fucking heros for managing to show up to work 3 out of four days.

I've lost patience with that kind of bullshit. We have the ability to end Iraq, if we would protest -- and NO whiney blogs do not count as protest. We could invent and number of things, that is IF my generation could stop playing Halo long enough to learn the math and physics. We could write great literature, if only we could stop texting long enough to write the novels. We have more potential and more opportunities than any generation that has ever lived. All we have to do is work hard to reach the potential.

Instead, we bitch and moan about how nobody listens to us. We complain because we can't hold down a job, or get a good one. we feel unappreciated because we aren't winning awards for half assed work.

Sucess in anything takes a lot of hard work. It isn't just handed to you. If you want a good job, study hard, work in that entry level job you hate, and prove to your boss that you are WORTHY of that job. If you want to end injustice, it takes a lot of work as well. You'll go to protests and get mocked, maybe even have things thrown at you. People will accuse you of being anti-American. But if you stick with it, minds will change, and sooner or later you win.

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