Are you Korean? (22)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-09 15:50 ID:keUgOe/2

①( ´_⊃`)「Japanese?」

②( ´∀`)「No~」

③( ´_⊃`)「Korean?」

④(# ゚Д゚ )「Nooooooooo!!!!」

⑤( ;´_⊃`)「Ah~ Sorry」 →

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-09 18:42 ID:ZYc6zaAH

OP is Japanese


3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-10 01:03 ID:GvFU2qV4


4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-10 05:57 ID:57EybmMd


5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-10 12:04 ID:Heaven


6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-11 17:22 ID:Heaven

It carries out and is w.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-12 13:31 ID:Heaven

It carries out and is wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-14 12:47 ID:RU/Qm3ti

isn't it...

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-15 20:43 ID:keUgOe/2


What is that supposed to be?

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-15 23:19 ID:Heaven


11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-18 12:27 ID:ajbE7OPE


12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-21 06:36 ID:O9EeFrQq

I am not a fucking Korean.

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-21 17:42 ID:uQfw0SjZ

Brush your teeth and wear deoderant more often, and you could be.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-21 22:54 ID:Heaven

<丶`∀´> No, no. That is smell of westerner. True Corean bathe in kimchi nida.

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-21 23:40 ID:Heaven

Q: Why are the Japanese so xenophobic/racist?

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-22 00:07 ID:ZYc6zaAH


Because pig disgusting america nuked them?

17 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-22 03:50 ID:aCLCNKLx

They were way more racist before that.
Solution: More nukes?

18 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-22 19:21 ID:ajbE7OPE

The Fish-Footman began by producing from under his arm a great letter, nearly as large as himself, and this he handed over to the other, saying, in a solemn tone, For the Duchess. An invitation from the Queen to play croquet.' The Frog-Footman repeated, in the same solemn tone, only changing the order of the words a little, From the Queen. An invitation for the Duchess to play croquet.'

19 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-23 10:07 ID:S9qUkCmS

ITT: Everyone is Chinese.

20 Name: Anonymous : 2008-06-23 19:48 ID:keUgOe/2


21 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-07 05:36 ID:ZZQggiXS

In Korea/China being racist is justified for being a patriot.
In Japan it is blamed for being so just as most of other countries.

22 Name: Anonymous : 2009-01-19 14:37 ID:5JOq5AM/


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