what does it take to build a new cult? (16)

1 Name: hakanai : 2008-07-01 08:18 ID:a3MjSP5p

just wondering. and no, i'm not going to make one of those polygamist or suicidal cults. I just want to know from you guys. what do you think we should do or have to build a new and strong cult?

2 Name: 真理虚 : 2008-07-01 08:26 ID:CjhVfNvQ

as for the leader, never show your face into public

recruit all the military expert....then, spread ur doctrine

3 Name: hakanai : 2008-07-01 08:31 ID:a3MjSP5p

but if you don't show your face to the public how would they know you are trustworthy? i think subliminal message expert team is in need XD

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-01 13:59 ID:pHPaFfIe

You need a serious background. The more normal the better. Then you make up something profound like a visit from aliens. Then you make up some kind of message, the core of the cult. The more hedonistic the more people will follow you, but also the more you will be despised by public eye. And finally write a book about it, or something similar so the word gets out.

I can't imagine anything about the cult organization and such, it's pretty important though. Maybe you can discuss it with the first followers or maybe write about it in the book.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-01 23:36 ID:yt3hU65/

It's a cult. You don't have to be trust worthy, just seem trust worthy.

Just show the people that you can be everything for them and they'll come running in.

Cults usually target the weak minded, so it shouldn't be a problem keeping your face from the public... if you're smart and plan everything out right that is.

6 Name: 真理虚 : 2008-07-02 05:00 ID:CjhVfNvQ

yeah sure cults always target the weak minded.....

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-02 18:15 ID:AKukSFTO

Lots of charisma and personality. Make sure the cult members get less than four hours of sleep a day, are highly insulated from non-cult members, including friends and families, which will make just about anyone putty in your hands.

8 Name: hakanai : 2008-07-03 03:34 ID:a3MjSP5p

>>7 great idea.

does a cult need a large amount of money to start?

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-03 08:33 ID:JDLeMCHG

Lawyers. Lots of lawyers. You'll need them to force through permits on your cult compound, to legitimize all of the powers of attorney/wills/trust funds your members sign over to you, and to sue anyone that suggests that you're not entitled to all of the legal rights a real religious movement is guaranteed.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-06 02:41 ID:NCkZI/wA

of course you'll need money, shower your followers with a small token of... something, paying off lawyers like no 9 said. renting, or buying a compound, but you'll find a way since I assume you'll be taking some amount of monthly (better yearly) membership fee from your members.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-06 05:06 ID:1jZJrPD2

This is cool.....(evil grin)

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-08 12:25 ID:FHl14Dwa

anybody interested on making a real one. this is really awesome

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-08 14:01 ID:CjhVfNvQ

why don't we just start it from here.....

14 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-08 18:03 ID:kPsy6zfL

YES!!! YES!!! WARGHWWWWWWWW!! Start it now please ^^

15 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-10 03:19 ID:5RO4MtT+

you people are retarded

16 Name: Anonymous : 2008-07-10 18:17 ID:KbTVWAyP


You need to tell people what they already think is true, but use convuluted language to explain it.

Then you fake a series of "revelations" that preach that message to the world.

While you're at it, it helps if you can be dickish to major religions so they retaliate and you can claim to be persecuted.

For some reason these things stick better if you're from the middle east or India. If possible you should at least claim to have been there and studied under some famous Rabbi, Imaam, or Guru. But don't pick someone well known as they might disown you.

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