Well, it's much bigger than 4-ch and 4chan combined. Granted, the structure of "thread" and "board" isn't similar, but what they are doing is similar to those news boards on 2ch (well, any news boards or forums can be said to be similar, I guess).
There is Slashdot Japan, not as popular, but I doubt there is ever going to be Digg Japan as big as the original because of 2ch.
Do you "dig" Digg? Discuss.
No. Digg is crap. Reddit is following it, in crappiness.
A small amount of people dictate a large portion of the stories on Digg and a lot of it is just plain spam, stupid pictures, and top ten lists. The quality of users on Digg is generally lower than on 4chan. In the last two years Digg and 4chan have been attracting audiences that are simply not very intelligent. Reddit with its self posts and more opinionated comments is a bit more similar to 2ch and it's definitely better than Dig but it too is becoming more popular and consequently its users less intelligent. Traditional forums like on Craigslist and other newsgroups are the closest we have to 2ch, 4channel is a part of that.
Digg sucks. Then again, most "Web 2.0" sites suck due to shitty layouts.
reddit is the intelligent digg
Hacker News is the new reddit.