Favorite 4-Ch Quotes (13)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-27 16:36 ID:YhlSFo5H

I'll start:

"I have the answer, but it involves destruction and mayhem.

God Bless"
~ from the Romance board

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-28 01:56 ID:85V6dBO3

"You are not elitist enough for this thread!"
~ from the Music board

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-28 03:00 ID:uwvTtbSd


~ from the Fashion board

4 Name: Anonymous : 2008-08-28 03:48 ID:kx+DZHg9

"please americans, do not talk like a anime character.
this is not how normal people talk.
it is a little embarrassing too watch
because she doesn't understand she is fool.
but i would also like to fuck this girl,
at full force in her vagina, mouth, and ass."

~ "Emily" @ 日本語

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-17 15:27 ID:uig5KjZr

"Actually, blacks hate black people the most of all.

I read it somewhere, so it must be true."
~ from the Politics board

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-17 15:58 ID:J9jGSrej

~try to find it in some boards.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-18 03:04 ID:lsteLcDz

"PINKU like what a bento box shouldn't be. That cloud has only one Kotoba."

~ "ITT the current color of the sky" thread, DQN

8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-18 23:56 ID:Heaven


>full force in her vagina, mouth, and ass.

It can not be beat.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-19 00:37 ID:Heaven

Actually it can, by putting ass before mouth.

And the highly disturbing thing is that I always wondered why this wasn't the case.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-20 00:49 ID:MuRIzYBo

"The other day i was serving a customer, felt something strange down by my ankle, looked down and she was pouring a satchet of pepper into my shoe. She then looks up at me with this adorable grin on her face. That's the kind of friendship we have going there."
~ from the Romance board

11 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-20 11:18 ID:Heaven


~ Science Board, originally from Politics

12 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-21 21:52 ID:Heaven

             ( ゚Д゚) 〜 I FARTED!
            ⊂  つ
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     (⌒::   ::     ::⌒ )
    / (    ゝ  ヾ 丶  ソ ─

13 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-21 21:55 ID:Heaven

>>12 ~from Politics

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