Kill the poors (9)

1 Name: leixing : 2008-09-29 03:22 ID:iLE0p++i

I think poverty causes people to be violent criminals, that's the fact because most violent criminals are poor people.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 04:17 ID:h6odJMCJ

Actually, it's culture that determines how commonplace violence is. There are many groups of poor people across the world who have very low crime rates. Rural Chinese, for instance.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 05:27 ID:bVdC7CYl

violent criminals? being poor probably doesn't cause it, though i'm sure its a bit of a motivator, though it would seem if the poor are more likely to be criminals, it would be to raise their place in life (ie steel food, etc). Most of the most violent criminals in history have not been poor, most likely because you can spend more time and money on your violence if you aren't.

4 Name: rouckive : 2008-09-29 05:51 ID:iLE0p++i

fuck all yall dumbasses, all the mafia bosses used to be poor, they weren't rich at the start! yall don't know shit bout it. it's fact that rich people are less likely to be violent. don't see much news about the rich attack or kill other people over some petty shits like the poors do.
Rural chinese are horrible and primitive.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 08:17 ID:Heaven

True, but the it's the middle classes who ruin the government, culture and economy with their self-serving politics, plebeian tastes and rapacious borrowing and spending.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 13:54 ID:ns5kQu5v

First of all, kill yourself!

7 Name: Anonymous : 2008-09-29 17:53 ID:Heaven

Interpersonal cause of criminal behavior: desperation.
Macroeconomic cause of desperation: failing and or inadequate government.
Global cause of failing and or inadequate government: inadequate support from external governments.

Pick one and from it infer the remaining two.

>>3's IQ: 90
>>4's IQ: 70
Mean IQ of the mentally retarded: 70


8 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-04 23:14 ID:Heaven

take a look at Bolivia, the upper classes are the ones being violent to the lower classes

9 Name: Anonymous : 2008-10-04 23:18 ID:Heaven

I agree with >>6

I bet you're a fucking hikikomori reading the news in your intrawebz, please go outside, go to the end of classes of a private school, and see how rich guys are as violent as poor guys

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