...Is a total sham. Everyone in /nihongo/ that professes to be Japanese is actually just an annoying non-Japanese posing as a Japanese.
Most people I know that are total otaku (since this word is Japanese in origin, I'm assuming that the plural and the singular are the same) have not heard a thing about 4-ch. And when I first came here, the running joke was that there are only 3 real people that post on 4-ch. So, with this incredible obscurity among English speaking otaku, what's the chance that Japanese otaku know about this place? Simple. They don't.
who cares?
4-ch is about more than otaku.
also, proof that real Japanese visit 4-ch: http://4-ch.net/politics/kareha.pl/1181317201/
don't know if they're otaku though, or just trolls
Are you Japanese?
>>1, they know.
If one day there will be VIPPER, it will get flooded by Japanese posters in a minute.
We allegedly get 7.2k unique hist per month, though I'd take anything Quantcast says with a grain of salt.
More importantly, 4-ch has a history of being a bridge between 2ch and the various English weeaboo communities. There are a lot of Japanese people in the world; why is it so unbelievable that a few of them might find their way over here?
3% of our visitors are 3-11 years old? how could they know that? i call bullshit.
Cool story, bro.