I'm sorry, but you have to be some kind of idiot to think that there are no career/jobs for art or design. Hell, so much of everything needed for entertainment and non-entertainment requires artistic talent. Structures don't fucking design themselves and media doesn't just create itself. Sure, the money isn't always as good all around for some of the lesser jobs, but let's face facts that if you can work the artistic mojo well, odds are that you'll find a decent paying career/job that's at least 12 bucks an hour or some incremental equivalent of such. Which is a fuckton more than most people think that artists make (such as working some shit job at mcdonalds). No offense, but what are you bothering with a degree in whatever field you may not even use if you aren't even going to be in that field? Hell, at least most of those bothering with art degrees actually know what they'll be doing with their career lives. Beats constantly swapping and searching for jobs. Now I'm not saying artists are without fail (oh, I know this is hardly the case) or will always get a job instantly (kind of a difficult thing to do if you leave in some place far from a city) or anything like that. I AM saying that there is always a demand and that it takes actual work and experience to do the jobs just like anyone else.
Beats constantly swapping and searching for jobs?
Now I know you're a design newb. Or not actually employed in anything in the design field.
It's almost exclusively swapping and searching for jobs. Staying on at one place for more than 2 or 3 years is bad for the designer as well as the firm. You stagnate like a clogged toilet and your creativity goes to shit.
And, most jobs don't even last that long; working with a (decent) firm is a lot harder to negotiate than doing freelance jobs, most of which are over in a couple of weeks or months.
And on top of that, most places looking to hire a designer now expect one person to do the work of an entire firm, several times over at once. It's not worth it, even for 50 bucks an hour.
But if they're cheaping out that badly while expecting that much and you wanna call it an opportunity, go right ahead.
> Structures don't fucking design themselves
Architecture is not art. The primary goal is always to keep the structure from falling down in a light wind, not to make it look nice.
But you're right, anyone giving you shit for doing what you want with your life is an asshole.
I thought this thread would have something to do with rap music and art degrees (grafitti/street art?). Needless to say, I have been disappointed.
making it not look like shit is the secondary goal, though.
Unless of course you're building an eco-friendly shelter with bricks made of dried cow dung.