Create your own image and textboards (8)

1 Name: llamaboy20 : 2009-03-18 21:18 ID:W6Qi+gZM

Hey guys,
I got sick of not being able to create a board at anonib, and dealing with their bullshit. That's why i made my own image and text board creation website.


2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-19 04:11 ID:Heaven

lol @ bee on
you might want to fix your broken php script.
letting people run whatever perl code they want on your server is usually not something you want to do.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-19 05:58 ID:Heaven

are you seriously this stupid?

## update the new config files to reflect the new board.
$cfname = getcwd() . "/" . $_POST['textboardFolder'] . "/";
$config_file = fopen($cfname, 'r+');
$s = fread($config_file,filesize($cfname)) or die($php_errormsg);

#set the board title
$s = preg_replace("/TITLE => '.*'\;/", "TITLE => '" . $_POST['textboardName'] . "';", $s);

#set the admin name
$pattern = "/ADMIN_USER => \'.*\';/";
$s = preg_replace($pattern, "ADMIN_USER => '" . $_SESSION['username'] . "';", $s);

#set the admin password
$pattern = "/ADMIN_PASS => \'.*\';/";
$s = preg_replace($pattern, "ADMIN_PASS => '" . $_POST['textboardPass'] . "';", $s);

#set the secret combo
$random = "8eYH6aotqbr3tecraEdaEcrYufoBVexaAEb";
$s = preg_replace("/ADMIN_SECRET => \'.*\';/", "ADMIN_SECRET => '" . $random . "';", $s);

#enable title.jpg if it was uploaded
if ($_FILES['titleImg']['name'] != "") {
$target_path = getcwd()."/".$_POST['textboardFolder']."/title.jpg";
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['titleImg']['tmp_name'], $target_path) or die($PHP_ERROR);
$s = preg_replace("/SHOWTITLEIMG => .*;/", "SHOWTITLEIMG => " . 1 . ";", $s);

#commit changes to
if (-1 == fwrite($config_file,$s)) { die($php_errormsg); }
ftruncate($config_file,ftell($config_file)) or die($php_errormsg);
fclose($config_file) or die($php_errormsg);

4 Name: llamaboy20 : 2009-03-19 18:56 ID:W6Qi+gZM

Hey, never said it was the best script ive ever made. Obviously there are some things that need to be fixed, but overall i think its a decent script. It gets to the point, and people can host their image and textboards, thats what im aiming for.

The bee thing is shitty, wakaba was crappy enough to include that in their script. Actually I thought it was kind of funny.

5 Name: llamaboy20 : 2009-03-19 18:57 ID:W6Qi+gZM

^If anyone wants to help out as a mod, or work on security measures with me, shoot me an email

6 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-19 23:12 ID:Heaven

you might want to try making the script make sure there's no way people can inject perl code through the inputs when creating a board.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-19 23:22 ID:Heaven

also, the bee has been added back.

8 Name: llamaboy20 : 2009-03-20 00:06 ID:W6Qi+gZM

Yeah, well keep the fucking bee.

As for the perl issue, ill look into it, ill make it a top priority.

There are allot of things im working on tweaking (such as mysql database load, etc). It seems as this perl issue is bigger then i thought, so i will look into it. Thanks Anon's

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