We do not need no education (33)

14 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-22 00:53 ID:xZMl50YP

I do not think you guys have realized what I am saying, except maybe >>7, you tell me.

I am saying this system is stupid, and most of you are saying I will receive a rude awakening after I step out of high school.

That is the whole point... I do not care about jobs and the economy or any of this crap... say I am naive all you want, but I know that none of this money stuff is important in reality. Reality is not the United States job system. Reality is that we are simple creatures living on a planet in the middle of an enormous Solar system. That solar system is a part of an unfathomably gigantic Universe. Who cares about pieces of paper with "value"? Do you know how insignificant we all are compared to the immensely vast universe?

When you are at your deathbed, who cares if you graduated high school? Who cares if you had a job? Who cares how much money you made? When you die, none of that matters, it becomes dust.

So, what am I going to do? I am going to live. I do not need to money live. I will live in the woods for all I care. Yes, food usually has to be bought, but if I am broke, I would eat leaves before I let myself starve. And until a government taxes air or some silly way in that you had to pay to simply live, I would let myself die. We should not have to pay to live, come on.

I hold no hatred or anger at you guys. I do not want arguments here, I just simply wanted to see if anyone else knew how lame structured education is. Let us end this here, because my post has obviously spun into something I did not want it to.

Thanks and have a nice day.

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