We do not need no education (33)

22 Name: Anonymous : 2009-03-25 09:08 ID:Heaven


There I went posting all that, and it turned out to be shit.

Why does the OP and supporters of the OP think the rest of us can't understand their point of view? Yes, we understand that the American high school system is crap. Yes, we understand that it originated so that we can be awesome factory workers and live our lives according managed by bells. However, we also understand that rejecting all of this and going to be a hermit is in itself retarded as hell. It'll accomplish nothing useful and will only leave you feeling alone and miserable. In the end, we aren't blind to the problems of mass education, we instead understand the value that society has placed on such an arduous task such as completing high and we bear it because we realize that it's a stepping stone towards what we want to accomplish and get out of life and an opportunity for us to grow socially (well most of us.

But then, who cares, since this is obviously not reality but instead figments of this macrocosm's imagination. At least, according to the OP
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