i love beer (31)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-23 02:43 ID:Wc0ZBXbO

When I'm sober = OH fuck you man, I'm a depressed hikikomori, fuck therapy what the fuck has it done for me
WHen I've had a 7 beers = Oh fuck I love you gusy, you're all so awesonme

No seriously 4-ch, I fuckign love you guys, man shit.

beer = fucking greatest invention of all time

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-23 14:14 ID:Lv3YnnlB

Alcohol is like that the same way tobacco "calms" you down and a coffee wakes you up:

If you weren't drinking coffee, you wouldn't depend on a substance to "wake up"; if you weren't smoking, you wouldn't depend on a substance to "calm down"; if you weren't drinking, you wouldn't depend on a substance to have fun.

You're a hikikomori, or so you said. Since you spend so much time alone, why don't you read some history? Especially about alcohol (and tobacco - these two go together). Realize you're a tool for capitalism. Not necessary to do this though; you could simply take a look at all the alcohol advertisements and realize what they're promoting. Learn some Business 101, and you'll see through these advertisements, and even worse, you'll be disgusted at first.

Tl;dr you're drinking not because you want to, but because you're indirectly told to; you think alcohol is good not because it is for you, but because you're told it is. The way you were told these things may be direct or indirect, via advertisements, movies, music et al.

Want to stop being depressed? Start educating yourself. You can also try to find some Cannabis to smoke, it helps certain cases, but can worsen others, so if it doesn't work for you don't continue doing it.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-23 16:21 ID:Heaven

When I'm sober = i hate myself and i want to die
WHen I've had a 28 beers = ...

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-23 23:38 ID:Wc0ZBXbO


When you've had 28 beers = "I want to jump up in the air and enjoy life!"

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-23 23:40 ID:Wc0ZBXbO


What if I haven't been in school since the 5th grade and now I'm sadly 18?

*drunks some more

6 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-25 17:05 ID:2d1z+epQ

It's not an excuse. You should be able to find the books used in your educational system online for free. You can study those. I know I've done this myself.

Then again, this has worked for me, but it might not work for you.

The problem with alcohol is that it affects your psyche. You might be depressed because you think, say, that your life sucks, but alcohol affects you in such way that you'd be depressed anyway. You will only realize this if you stop drinking, and then cure your depression.

You have an option to heal. Stop drinking alcohol, and find other activities that distract you enough from your desire to drink. As for depression, I can't help you with that, but cutting down on alcohol is a great improvement.

7 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-27 17:10 ID:lH92ynsf


All I got from that post was "Don't drink, smoke pot instead."

8 Name: Anonymous : 2009-05-27 17:29 ID:I9nQLSJo

That doesn't mean that's all it said.

9 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-05 00:38 ID:x4Vkc4KV

I hate people who think pot is panacea. Pot is not harmless. It can increase throat and lung cancer. In some cases, pot has increase social disorders like schizophrenia, depression and attention hyperactive disorder.

Pot and LSD is the only drug that lab animals have avoided because of its psychedelic qualities. Pot is not harmless stop thinking it is.

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