i love beer (31)

11 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-07 09:05 ID:Heaven

continuing from >>10

> Pot and LSD is the only drug that lab animals have avoided because of its psychedelic qualities.

WHAT? I don't think you realize how brainwashed you are.

First, why should it matter that lab animals avoid those drugs? Are you saying that they have a liking for all other drugs?

Second, where did you hear that they avoid those drugs, and what does it mean to avoid the drug? Don't you realize they're being injected with drugs directly in their bloodstream to control the exact dose, and there woudn't be a possible way to "avoid" this, or for the animal to know that it's going to be injected with Cannabis, or LSD or some other drug; so it's pretty fuckng impossible for lab animals to "avoid" those specific drugs. You're either lying or you heard this from someone who is lying.

> Pot is not harmless stop thinking it is.

Cannabis is harmless actually. Here's various ways to consume Cannabis, from most harmful to least.

  • smoking joint with mixed tobacco: harmless because of the tobacco, harmless because you inhale smoke
  • smoking joints only with cannabis: harmless because of the plant matter, and because you smoke
  • water pipe: the plant matter is captured in water, but you still inhale smoke, so certain damage is done to the r. system
  • vaporizer: the plant is heated enough for the THC to leave in the atmosphere. 99% safe, because you inhale only THC and some other harmless chemicals, no plant matter, minimum smoke
  • eating: that's right, you can eat Cannabis and get stoned. It's far the most harmless way to get high, you can cook it, you can mix it with food, you can eat it as is.


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