What do you think of crime? (3)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-04 22:24 ID:iGepwRBt

I dunno if this is in the right topic or not...

I was just wondering, what do you all think of crime?

Will the crime rate ever go down?

Any comments are much appreciated!

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-05 00:29 ID:EXXW67Y/

what country are you from. In the USA, crime is declining.

The best way to reduce crime is to make a large middle class. Make it that everyone has money.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-10 13:45 ID:pvQjTC+P

I think money it's not the exact answer. Replace "money" with "full and equal access to basic needs, including education, decent houses, health, along with decent oppotunities for decent jobs, etc etc", and maybe it would be more credible. After all, money it's only good if the other people doesn't have as much money as you. So, "money" it's pointless.
But i'm commie so disregard that, i suck stalin's cock and stuff.

According to 2, crime rates are declining (Not from the U.S.A. so i don't know jack). If that's true, maybe OP should change his/her news source.

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