Cracking my back (7)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-19 23:47 ID:D0sxqEVo

Is it bad to crack your back daily? Can it result to any problems? I find that after I crack my back I'm relieved from some minor pain I had before.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-21 04:53 ID:hTXXdkSG

dead man postin

3 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-21 13:39 ID:w1bNtncY

I will occasionally crack my back over the edge of a chair.

Feels good, man.

4 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-21 20:34 ID:YNYHjAnq

I don't know if it's detrimental to long term health but it does feels good.

5 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-23 01:09 ID:nb8FEFkk

It causes terminal bonitus.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2009-07-26 10:37 ID:gSsIPzRs

I googled around a bit more, and it indeed seems that it's just a myth that it's bad for you. I crack my joints as well, and as far as I can tell I haven't had any problems whatsoever from it. So my guess is that you're fine.

7 Name: maple syrup man : 2009-07-29 19:31 ID:jIEjZpoo

i dunno, I iused to crack my back a lot and it got easier and easier. it started giving me sore joints so i stopped and it stopped hurting.

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